Here in Holland the epidemic seems under control for now. Government just eased up the measures again for most things, just working from home as much as possible remains there as well as 1.5 meter social distance. For now this seems like a good idea, but to me (I work in healthcare so maybe my ideas on this are a bit more dark then others) is that the corona virus is like a flu here to stay,
It seems to be following the normal flu season on the Southern hemisphere at the moment and I expect it to be back on the Europe in Oktober November when the 'normal' flu is back again. So yes, I am mentally prepared for a second wave which to me it not a matter of 'if' it might be back, but more a question of 'when.'
Currently R= aorund 0.4 which is awesome so I hope that local new outbreaks can be handled locally. We shall see!
Thanks for your valuable feedback. I have heard this theory too (about the similarity with the regular flu). However, if/when the second wave comes, we should be much better prepared for that. On the other hand, any further measures will only makes the economic crisis worse :/ Anyway, good luck to you Dutch guys. Hopefully you will be able to keep the positive trend of easing things up.
Totally agree on being much more prepared. Also in the hospital we should be able to shift quite fast in necessary again. But having so many patient 0 in other countries to me it will be just a matter of time when the boarders open again when it all starts again.
yeah I hope for keeping the uptrend up as well, I like having a life again :DD
Haha that´s right :) One of the things the pandemic has taught us for sure is that we just took too many things for granted. Now we are much more appreciative ;) Enjoy the rest of your weekend.