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RE: Which language do you think in?

Je pense both en francais and in english, depends. Much like you, sometimes they are mostly separate but sometimes they flip flop, example, counting to twenty in my head I might un-intentionally change language as I count 3 or 4 times, whatever information gets there and processed faster I suppose. Born and raised french but now live across the country in englishland. Here in Canada, not many can do that especially if born and raised here as in speak multiple languages enough to un-intentionally think in multiple ones, it's a special skill you posses. As far as your english skills, I never would have guessed it isn't your native language, you do well, obviously Hive has served you an unintentional skill mastery to go with whatever online wizardry you do behind the scene that we don't see and can't begin to understand. Happy holidays. xox