Do You Take Your Time When You Go Shopping Or Do You Only Buy What You Need And Get Out ASAP?

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I don't spend a lot of time in shops and I very rarely buy anything I didn't intend to buy beforehand. Some people go about their shopping differently. Which type of shopper are you?


On physical shops I wanna get in and out fast, online (window) shopping I can do for hours and hours for fun!

I'm a slow shopper. I think I can never just go in-and-out of a grocery or any shop without spending my time looking at things. But I rarely end up buying anything.

When I'm looking for expensive stuff to be bought only rarely I tend to be careful and take my time. I researched entry level DSLR's for quite a while before going to the store to buy the one I did. I did not spend a lot of time at the shop, though.

That's a tough question. 😅 I buy something I intend to buy, but I like window shopping too. Browsing around the shops, but I don't really buy things.

I try to stay the less amount of time possible.

I don't spend too much time shopping.