How would you put it nicely hope and expectations differ regarding Hive?
I don't think i could, as I don't really have expectation - just hope in this. I do expect that we are in for a long road to get to where I hope to be :)
i find a lot of value in Hive as education, entertaining sometimes even scientific from a behavioral standpoint and last but not least i enjoy gamification part of it.
There are many value streams here that lay outside of the price, it is just that it is this that gets most atttention, as it is this that people often hope for the most.
i like the neat UI feature that shows your position in comparison with other stakes and climbing that ladder little by little.
I like this too. I wish there was a lot more of this kind of thing around the UIs.
Oh, and when i click publish i WISH my influence on the platform grows,
I have a post about wishing somewhere - I might post it on Showcase Sunday :)
Thanks for the prompt.
For an investment, I was told, when I was a kid; that "buy and hope" is a terrible strategy. However, jokes aside, I am skeptical if Hive is truly an investment. This is obviously for me specifically, for others it could be highly different. For me, Hive is a Venture Capital and social experiment. There is a investment component to it of course. But as you know, the success rate of a VC is about 1000:1. The reason, I say it is VC, because it is lot of the characters of VC. This is new, this doesn't have an earning or income statement. The finances of Hive can not be audited. It doesn't belong to any country, hell it doesn't even have a CEO :) So it can't be a security.
But it does have the promise to change the world though, and therefore I am here. It has great potential for passive earning. It has great potential of investment earning, and both have already been proven. Funny you typically can't do that in VC. But here you can.
If you keep that in mind, I see a lot of potential.
It works as VC in other ways too.
The investment into HP means having a stake in everything that is developed on the chain, so all of those 1000 can be developed here, and perhaps one of them is the unicorn. However, 10 of them will do very well and 100 of them pretty well - no matter which of the 1000 it is, having stake covers it to at least some degree.
Then there are the options of using stake to invest directly into the ventures themselves, for example through delegation for percentage, which then multiplies the gains in a more direct way for the individual, rather than the blanket of "just owning HP"
Lots of potential.
They are fun indeed. Set's a goal of some sort :) Small detail but can bring a lot of value in the background. Like a butterfly effect. Le's say i want to be in top 1000, buy some Hive, trigger some bots, and suddenly increase a market cap by few mil :)