Suggest to reinnovate how to upvote while you're at it because it's more problematic to see stolen and spam content get rewarded. You want to regulate downvotes like how it should be used? Regulate upvotes too because those can equally be as toxic as downvotes.
I don't tell people what to do with their damn upvotes or downvotes, I'm fine seeing that choice be done freely by them on their accounts. And then take in whatever consequences that come with those actions.
By the way… Pomp spoke about what we are attempting to innovate here on Hive today… he talked about why it’s important… and he also talked about what decentralized platforms like Hive need to do to gain market share and why user friendliness from function to community matter. Check it out!
The difference between this place and Youtube is no one can have the anxiety to get deplatformed by a whim. Have you seen strikes on channels where the AI decides or just people abusing the report button for trolling? people get their channels taken down temporarily for those false DMCA or AI takedowns, we don't get that to happen here. If one has strong political opinions and whackos here they still get a voice and have the damn privilege to point where the source of voice to skull is. They don't tolerate that shit on YT even if it's just expressing an opinion the content gets removed. Here people can get access even if it's "muted"
We are trading one anxiety (abuse) for another. We have got to do far far better than this for this project to have relevance to those considering other options than what’s presented with social2.0. We need to control for negative factors on the blockchain but we need to do it constructively and fairly with owners and freedom in mind. If we can’t do that we will not succeed. People will not invest. Users will not be retained. And ideas (business) can not flourish. After 4 years of being here heart and soul… I know what needs to change on this blockchain and I think that I’m not the only one realizing this. To stay the same is to not grow and become better. If we aren’t growing (at Layer 0 and Layer 1) nothing on Layer 2 will survive. It’s basic fundamentals.
Perhaps we are looking at the problem from two different view points… but I’m glad we had this conversation.
It’s been beneficial.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.
I think your being a bit difficult here. We can’t win the game with defence alone… right now we can’t move past the problems the DV is causing… it’s becoming more and more clear by the day. We don’t want to wait until the music stops to finally sitUP and see the problems for what they are. Stake is stake. If it’s harmful use of stake innovate it at the base layer. Getting a bunch of people to walk the halls does little to actually address the real issues at the root. It, in effect, only makes them worse and also signals to the spammers, scammers, etc weakness. The way to solve a problem is to scale it in code on the blockchain… not throw fallible and limited humans at it. We innovate our way out of the problems we have. We come from a position of true strength. That’s the only way to win. Look… we are all here on the ground floor doing something that’s never been done before… thousands of years of human history have lead us select few to this pin point in time. We can’t think that innovating the future is going to be solved by repeating the mistakes of the archaic past. We are better than that. We have to be better than that! I want to win… don’t you?
Freedom to choose how one uses their downvotes or upvotes. Even gangstalking enjoys this freedom and ain't uncensored by it no matter how unanimous the community dislikes the guy. People can just move 2nd layer without the downvote visible and enjoy the lack of censorship if they built it that way. No need to bother with 1st layer frontends if they are so bothered with mean people taking away their reaards. They could just earn from their community coins if they find value in it.
Doing that is building on sand as I have already said. What happens on layer 1 is a direct result of what happens on Layer 0. We can’t think that by building on a faulty Layer 1 a Layer 2 solution is going to fix the problem. It’s only going to amplify it. Anyone with an understanding of systems could tell us this.
Raw exposure to DV has only spread unfriendliness and disfunction throughout the system… gangstalking is proof of this. Why scale something that isn’t working? How do you market something that’s broken? No amount of flossing over is going to work. Retention is proof and the proof is in the pudding.