Completely agree, of course we like to be in the right headspace and environment in order to write (preferably a quiet one). Again, with toddlers it has been frustrating, but the challenge is always accepted 😂 I've learned to tune out as much noise as possible, and I just let them doodle on my pages while I write LOL.
But adding to the impact that profound writers and speakers have... My muse last night was Martin Luther King, the documents coming out, etc. And it really made me think about purpose. Everybody truly does have a purpose, even if it's speaking, because it is a miracle to be able to move millions of people, and it is obviously something not everyone is capable of.
So I always say, if you're passionate about it -- do it! 😄 No matter whether you're one of the greats or not. And most importantly, never compare yourself to others, unless it's to improve your craft 👍
Yeah I get it with kiddos around, you just deal with it and keep going!
It's really important to take a look at important people from back in the day, especially important ones that got killed for what they had to say. They have a lot of wisdom and if you can find real information on them, not some bullshit Discovery Channel spin, then you will be utterly amazed what they were doing and bringing forth!