Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to appreciate getting back into my computer by luck!

My Lucky Stars
My computer has returned to life!
It's really a wonder that we are where we are in terms of the technology that we have. We are pretty heavily accustomed to using it every day, and all of the things that make life a lot easier when we do.
I recently experienced a bit of a bout of computer issues. I accidentally made a silly mistake and locked myself out of my computer entirely! If you are familiar with the technology space, you may know what BitLocker is. Basically it encrypts your computer to prevent any bad actors from modifying the various things that come along with the hard disk and other things. It's annoying when it doesn't work.. but it sure comes in handy when it does!
I made a super amateur mistake, in that I was making some changes to my computer and I didn't back up ALL of my files. I've got a decent little backup of some really important things, but for the most part a lot of the other files I work on and keep up, were completely gone if I didn't have a way to get back into my computer.. that really annoyed me! Lol. You bet your sweet tits that I am backing it up right after I finish this post!
I think the thing that really surprised me was how much I relied on my computer. Sure I have my phone and stuff, which is what I do most of my Hive engagement on, but my computer is an integral part of my day to day life, that it was really surprising how much I missed having it! I also didn't want to go around fucking it up further.. lol so I didn't turn the thing on.
I ended up calling in a favor with the place that I got the laptop, which I still communicate with from time to time, and when I had them help me figure out what my key was, it turned back on as normal! I was shocked that's for sure, but holy fuck was I happy! I was really just upset about all of the files that I was going to be losing if I couldn't get back into it.
I spent a pretty good amount of time over the last few months organizing things and cleaning up my computer. I think one of the issues I had was that I didn't take incremental backups of the data, and that's something that I am for sure going to change after this experience. It's better to have SOME type of backup than no backup at all.
The even funnier part is that I work in the technology space, meaning we do backups of things before we make any changes all the time at work, and if we don't then we are likely to get in trouble. Did that same type of mindset happen to float on over to the personal side? LOL Nope, not this time! I think that's one of the other things that bothered me, but at the same time made me laugh. Do as I say not as I do, type of thing.. oh well, at least now we are back in business!
What about you, have you gotten lucky and found out that the things you thought were gone, were actually recovered or recoverable? How did you feel after? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Haha reminds me of people who have found some BTC that they have gotten in the past.. Hmm for me, I think it would be some vouchers/coupons that I found by accident. Could definitely help with some dollars of cost savings!
Yeah that's also really funny. I've seen some stories of people who've found stuff like that and feel happy for them.
Did you hear the story about the guy who thought he had hundreds of millions of bitcoin on a computer? He spent like 9 million to find it and get it back to only be filled with bitcoin...CASH haha that was a hard one! I think it was ultimately worth like 3 million and he owed a lot lol
I'm not a fan of bitlocker. I get the need for it, but I usually disable it. I think the average user can't handle the complications that can arise due to it having issues.
Yeah haha I didn't even know it was on to be honest. I learned something that's for sure! I've got the key now, thanks to power shell and I'm going to turn that fucker off lol
Yay! Access Granted lol. Having to lose all that data that isn't backed up already will be a very hard pill to swallow and I think the aftermath of it will also be tough to navigate. Things wouldn't feel normal again :)
Yeah it would be tough for sure. There's a few things on there that I would be upset to lose! I'm glad it's over now though and I backed everything up TWICE lol
unexpected luck always brings joy and happiness;)
and actually, in most cases when you are ready to accept the failure, the problem disappears
did you notice it?
Yeah it's funny because I was about to admit defeat and wipe everything on the computer when I had someone do a last ditch effort to help me get it back - it came back! Wild haha
Welcome back, then