Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about how I started something and actually ended up stopping which is not common!

Starting and Stopping
The other day I had something interesting happen to me that doesn't happen often: I started to write but decided to stop!
I've written about a few different times that for me, writing is an important thing that I rely on being in the correct mood in order to be able to do it. I could write when I'm in any mood regardless, but the content that I want to put out is "good" in my eyes and not a load of horse shit. It could very well be a load of horse shit in many peoples eyes, but I certainly hope not hahaha.
I wanted to write some stuff the other night and started to do it, but for one reason or another I fell right out of the mood and actually had to completely stop. I went and did something else instead which was okay, but it was an interesting thing for it to happen. I haven't, in a long time, sat down to write and actually couldn't finish what I was doing. I hope that's not foreshadowing to the future that's for sure!
I think having the ability to reflect back on the mood and realize that it's actually not a good mood to be in, so instead of forcing some bullshit out there, it's much better to stop what we are doing and just give it up for the night. That's not an easy thing to do, and for sure it was something that bothered me but these days I am trying to get better at adapting to things that happen in the moment.
It was a good thing that I did it that way because it worked out in the long run. I got a few other things done, some of it mindless entertainment enjoyment but that's okay. We need to be able to take a step back and relax mentally and physically periodically otherwise we are going to drive ourselves insane and also burn ourselves out. Nobody wants to get burnt out that's for sure!
I wonder if the particular topic that I was going to write about is going to end up being one that I just delete. When I try to do something, and it ends up just not working out, sometimes I just scrap the idea entirely. I know that's probably not the best way to go about things, but it's also good to be able to take something that we wanted to do, not like what was going on and just get rid of it. That doesn't happen too often for me, but I think it's an important step that we are able to take. I know that sometimes people force things to be just because they want to, but that doesn't always turn out the best way and may cause more harm than good. I don't know if a post on Hive is that extreme of an example, but it's along some of those same lines I would think.
What about you, have you had something that you started recently and gave up, and delete it, because you just weren't in the right mood? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Haha, I have been on that state so often, but mostly I made a few sentences and stop, put it in draft, or I just uploaded the images put on draft, and left. Sometimes it is better just to take a rest and do something else, and come back with a better mood and fresh idea.
here is the post scheduling comes in handy, since we know that we still have composed post ready to be publish, so the pressure to make daily will be a lot lower.
Ya for sure that's where scheduling comes in handy! I'm not feeling pressured to get it finished because most of the time I've got a few in the chamber already so it's not a big deal if I say screw it one night.
Certainly seems like this isn’t a unique scenario for me there’s lots of us that have it!
Almost every time I try to post.
Hahah ya I hear you dude. It hits us all at some point!
I do this all the time with my posts on Hive. Sometimes I will get almost 500 words into something and decide to delete it and move onto something else. There are sometimes though, like this monring, I get and idea in my head that won't leave me alone and I just have to post about it, no matter how short or long it is.
Frankly, this place is my release, and it is a place for me to clear my mind sometimes. So I am not sure if what i post even makes ssnse to some people most times. I hope it does, but if not, it is more for me than others anyway. If others get enjoyment or something out of what I share, then all the better.
Yeah I hear you man! Writing is such a cathartic thing for me and many other people. I never really knew I liked writing until I started doing it more regularly for hive and it's been great!
I'm glad that you are finding an outlet and ability to help your mind with hive. That's a really big and important benefit we have here!
Yes, it happens. Sometimes, I intentionally stop writing after a 1/3 or half way through a post, just to go do something else and come back to it later with a fresh perspective or different angle at viewing the topic at hand. I think this can be a good thing in certain cases, especially if the "writing atmosphere" feels stiff or stagnant. But I also try to not make it a habit lol, otherwise, I might mess with the flow on days that a favourable for writing on one sitting.
Yeah I hear you man. Having a good flow is important for me as well! I'm glad that you find that you'll have situations where a fresh perspective is more important than finishing for the sake of finishing.
Happens to me all the time! I would have something sitting in my drafts for weeks.
I have drafts in my head that's ready to pop, but ... 🤯
Last night, I was ready to start- got the images in the draft already, but got to sleepy and so I just went to bed.😂 Maybe I'll get it done tonight, but again, it's late and I might rather sleep so I have enough sleep before starting work HST in a few hours.
Yeah I have to get better at giving into sleep more! A lot lately I push through to get things done and then it becomes an issue where I don't sleep enough lol. It seems like I’m certainly not the only one!
it happens all the time;)
and I think it's a nice thing!
very often I have an idea that rises me up but the next day I think "Nothing special, no time for it". Then I just understand IT ISN'T MINE, It's nor for me, and I will lose nothing if I forget about it.
it's like a soul voice. If I think about it many times and many days - I really need it.
If I forget about it after sleeping - no need to waste time for it.
Ya that's a good way to think about it! If it's meant to be then it is meant to be.
The view of sunrise and sunset is always amazing if we sit on the beach like this and look beautiful.
Indeed it is!