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RE: Road Trip To The Utah Desert! P.1

in The Man Cave3 years ago

I like the way you broke down the red beryl into how many diamonds it is in rarity. That's quite creative. And I like how in your other posts you don't beat around the bush about how much you can expect to get from your investment in stones. I don't think people realize just how "precious" some of these semi-precious gemstones can be. The Rainbow Garnets on your etsy are AMMMMMMMAAAAAAAZING! I didn't know garnets could do that! I'm originally from Sask, and we find a lot of tiny red garnet pebbles easily. Now I'm in Nunavut on a limestone island covered in fossils :D


Diamonds are not rare at all, especially when comparing them to real rare stones.

I know the guy who discovered the deposit of rainbow garnets in Japan. I had one from him last year that he had faceted, he has a lot of them, and it was incredible.img_0402_1_.jpg

While I appreciate fossils, I haven't really gotten into them yet. It's a whole other world to work in besides gems & minerals. I know I will some day, just need to dig some up I guess then get bitten by that bug. Have you dug up many?

Maybe some day we can go hit Rapid Creek Yukon. Another friend of mine went mining there and brought back incredible lazulite, wardite, childrenite and tons more minerals. You gotta take a helicopter into the locality though.....