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RE: What does it feel like to be autistic?

in The Man Cave2 years ago

Well thank you for the reward! :D - yeah, this one. It's still on your profile here on Hive.

I relate. Mainstream doesn't want to have a conversation. It's a political game, mostly. And the money. Of course. We wouldn't want to ruffle any feathers and have sales decline. Because what about advertising? And our vacation homes? Not much journalism there, then. Not much truth. Not anymore. (#freejulianassange while we're at it)

I'm interested to hear a male perspective. F*ck knows you guys haven't been allowed to have your say. At all! 🙄

I am a privileged white female. And learning about it at last. We should compare notes. 👍

Yes there is a ton of male privilege. And I blame the mothers, quite frankly. There is some female privilege making the rounds as well.

How do we progress, or even things out, if we don't share our war wounds and have a tolerant conversation. This is exactly what's going horribly wrong in society. Everyone is too scared to say boo.

Okay. Glad I found you. Even more glad I was rewarded 'cause I need that around now. 😁 Thank you again.

Yeah - I spoke a lot about social injustice and many ism on mainstream. And have also found Hive far more open-minded, educated, courageous and cool to engage on. I'm not going back!

See you around. Enjoy the weekend. 🌸
