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RE: What does it feel like to be autistic?

in The Man Cave2 years ago

Thank you! I get a lot of pleasure out of writing as you can probably tell haha. I will say it's one of my "indulgencies."

Yeah, we worked out that my dad was an undiagnosed autist -- he died of liver failure. His pleasures were vodka and women. That being said for most of his adult life he worked an incredibly hard and high powered six figure job.

I was lucky. My wife is a school teacher and she could spot it right off. We got our son diagnosed when he was 3, and I've learned a lot through watching him.

The relationship I have with my son is a really deep connection - my wife used to dump him on my lap when he was crying and would leave me alone with him to comfort him, she almost forced the connection at an early age. But I can understand through my early thoughts and feelings of how parental acceptance can often be hard!