From the unanimous election in 1789 of George Washington to the present, the "leader of the free world" has had an enviable record of peaceful transfers of power every 4 years. Will this uniquely American "run" remain intact after 2020?
On the excellent historical website linked to this picture, we find the following introductory paragraph:
In 1789, the first presidential election, George Washington was unanimously elected president of the United States. With 69 electoral votes, Washington won the support of each participating elector. No other president since has come into office with a universal mandate to lead.
[emphasis added mine]
And how was this news received?
Upon hearing the news of his decisive election, Washington set out from Mount Vernon to take his place in presidential history. Though filled with great anxiety, Washington reported for duty "in obedience to the public summons" and explained that "the voice of my Country called me."
[emphasis added mine]
Both of these points will be touched upon, dear reader, as we take a closer look at the upcoming American Elections of 2020, in general. And for the Presidency, in particular.
Brief (Very) History ...
For six years, I was the District Leader of a major political party, responsible for 42 precincts. Precincts are the most basic "units" on the political map in America. Think of them as (extended) neighborhoods, in a largely bygone era, when communities were still a big deal in the "real world."
During this time, I was in the homes of many, many people recruiting them to become Precinct Committee Officers. My opening question?
In one way or another, we hear all the time America is the greatest democracy in the world. Do you agree with that?
Very sadly, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, for the six years I carried out my responsibilities, I never one time got an answer other than the person's version of "You bet!" The correct answer?
The United States of America
is a
Constitutional Republic!
The United States of America
is a
The typical response to hearing that was ...
"Well ... Don't the words Democracy and Republic mean the same thing?"
No, not even close! One of our Founding Fathers greatest concerns was the downside of democracies. So, they very intentionally set up a system of governance to overcome them. By creating a Republic!
Good luck in America today finding many that have any idea of the significance of what I just said. The damage done by the "Progressives" control of the American education system is hard to overstate. "Dumbing us down" ... Famously resulting in this quote from the 1983 report of the U.S. National Commission on Excellence in Education entitled "A Nation at Risk" (<= hmmm, a clue?):
"If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war."
[emphasis added mine]
And since then? Something this dramatically stated resulted in massive reforms which turned this all around. Right? Sure it did ...
The above was over 30 years ago. We have "come a long way baby" since then. A long, long way ... 😞
American Elections of 2020
From today, there are 96 days to go, to the conclusion of the most contentious and divisive political campaigning in the history of the United States. Don't agree? Just stand back in "awe" and be amazed at what is "on the agenda" to be "rolled out" (think laser-guided artillery ...) in strategically timed "releases" between now and the day of the Election.
Republic vs. Democracy
Every so briefly, let me cover the essential difference between these two words, when it comes to our all-important elections. A republic was designed to be a representative form of governance. Our Founding Fathers fought the Revolutionary War over the lack of proper representation!
As succinctly and clearly as I know to explain it, think of having very good communities in which we all live. And in which we know most, if not all, of our neighbors. Would you agree there would be those amongst us who would stand out for their integrity and wisdom? Above the rest?
Yes, so would we not want them to represent us, from the local level all the way to the national level? "One man one vote," in a republic, is present, but in many ways it is limited to the precinct level of governance, i.e. your local community. The duly elected representatives of the precincts then go on to the county level and the process repeats itself. All the way up through Congressional (federal representation apportioned to the States, based upon the number of people) districts, State-wide, and ultimately the Federal level.
All along the way, if working as intended, the "cream rises to the top" and you have your best, brightest, highest integrity and character, and wisest making tougher and tougher decisions the higher up the authority structure they rise.
No time to fully explain it, but this process is what works through the Electoral College to make the final decision as to who will be the next duly elected "Leader of the Free World!" And these individuals are totally free to vote their conscience, i.e. they are not bound by the "popular" vote!!
A democracy? The short and sweet of it is "one man one vote," period! There is no representation allowed. As the base of the voting process of our Republic, "democracy champions" have successfully "gutted" (if they exist at all) Precinct Caucus meetings, where the voting process begins.
This steady erosion of our Republic has progressed all the way up through to the Electoral College, which is under assault like never before, although it has also been badly weakened ... This is the specific mechanism for electing the "Leader of the Free World." Its enemies are determined to drive the "final nail in its coffin" and replace it with the results of a national "popular vote."
Case in point: Ever hear the "progressive" declaration Trump "stole" the 2016 Presidential Election, since Clinton won the "popular vote?" Look at this map above and read the associated analysis linked, in which you find this:
"Overall Trump won approximately 2,600 counties to Clinton’s 500, or about 84% of the geographic United States. However, Clinton won 88 of of the 100 largest counties (including Washington D.C.). Without these 100 largest counties she would have lost by 11.5 million votes."
[emphasis added mine]
Some counties in the U.S., e.g. Los Angeles with 10 million, have more people than the combined populations of some states! Among other features of them, republics, by design and as written into the U. S. Constitution, address this "imbalance" caused by "pure" democracies ...
In 1992, in attempting to be a part of this selection process, I came within 3 votes, in a State-wide convention, of representing my Congressional District at the national level. I refused to be bound by the results of the "popular vote" in my state. I was "bad!" 😳 Nonetheless, given my reputation, many still supported me, as they agreed with my principled stand ...
The "Old Ways"
As a District Leader, my number one responsibility was to try to have every precinct represented by a Precinct Committee Officer (PCOs). The most important responsibility of the PCOs was to ensure there was a Precinct Polling Station and Polling Judges and Staff to "man" it, come Election Day.
In my era, the most common locations were schools and churches. The most common Polling Judges were veterans (or spouses of veterans) of World War II, which some refer to as America's greatest generation. And they served voluntarily, i.e. they were not paid!
What did they do?
- The Polling Judge confirmed the person about to vote was "on the rolls," from the county courthouse. Only citizens of the United States, of minimum age, and who had registered to vote were eligible! All others were turned away.
- Assistants helped the voter with the materials needed to vote, directing them to a private booth, helping them upon return, etc. These assistants were also often "Campaign Captains," who had their own lists of those known to vote favorably, in one direction or another. As time drew close to when the polls closed, they would call volunteers to call those who had yet to appear to vote.
- The all-important locked and secure ballot box!! After polling closed, it was the solemn responsibility of the Polling Judge to handle all the accounting for and cleaning up of their precinct:
- The number of ballots had to match the number of names crossed off on the list.
- They recorded the votes of every ballot and registered their total counts on prepared forms listing all approved candidates for all elected offices, from the local level to the national level.
- They cleaned up the polling location and locked it, returning the keys to the proper authorities the next day.
- They delivered the locked ballot box and their counts to the country courthouse.
It is hard to overstate the value of this system, when it comes to protecting the integrity of its results. How would anyone even begin to undermine it, with the goal of fraud and corruption? Especially in a sufficient number of precincts (this source says there are 36,361 of them in the U.S.) to effect the outcome of national elections? "Guarded" by local citizens known to be of high character
It was not possible ...
Yes, alternatives like absentee balloting existed, but they were much less commonly used in those days. There was still some strength left in our national legacy of "turning out" and "showing up"!
Today? There is a relentless campaign to do away with this "dinosaur" and replace it with something "better." In our "new normal" post-COVID world, this relentless pressure will likely result in its replacement with some "virtual" version, on centralized servers ...
See "Blockchain Technology to the Rescue?" below ...
Every Vote Counts!
Today, under the guise of concern for "every vote counts," there is no stone left unturned in an effort to ensure every one votes! Don't worry about whether you are a citizen or not! If you are in any way, shape or form able to vote, then by God we must make sure that you do!
The lack of "checks and balances," to ensure that there is no voter fraud, is what lays behind what I watched unfold on the national news today over the charges and counter charges surrounding "mail-in balloting." I will not be delving into those details in this post, other than to simply say it further erodes the protections from which the American people have historically benefited. By design ...
"Yes, well @roleerob, what you don't understand is this is all about the great concern our 'fearless leaders' have for what is right and their 'love' of the downtrodden masses ..." Sure it is ...
In early American history, with George Washington as our ultimate example, people served their country as Citizen Statesmen, reluctantly and sacrificially leaving their homes and farms, for a limited "tour of duty," happily returning as soon as possible.
Today? We have an almost indestructibly entrenched, elitist "ruling class" who do whatever it takes to preserve their hold on power. All the while all too often aloofly and arrogantly establishing one set of laws for themselves, as they exempt themselves from the "decrees" they've imposed on the rest of us.
"Every Vote Counts" because they have become remarkably skilled, through social media "campaigns," at "herding" sufficient numbers of my poorly informed countrymen to the polls. As well as "herding" to the polls those who have illegally entered America in the millions ... To endlessly preserve their positions in the national centers of power ...
Democratic "Choices!"
How many other countries around the globe ended up with a system like that of America? Where we have managed to "paint ourselves into a corner" with only two realistic choices? Yes, of course, there are many, many other options. But you can count on one hand, in all the history of the United States, where a new party arose to prominence.
Which always leaves the vast majority of us with a "lesser of two evils" decision to make. How "real" is this "choice?" Answering this question, by delving into Hegelian Dialectics and other methods used by America's enemies to undermine it, is beyond the scope of this post ...
Suffice it to say I believe Republics provide a strong deterrent to ending up with these "democratic choice" outcomes. As long as the required character and integrity of "we the people" is still sound ...
Moving right along ... I don't recall a poll ever indicating this question being asked, but I would like to know the results of a question like, "Are voting for one of these two candidates or against one of these two candidates?"
I think against would win in a landslide! 🙂
If I were "king for a day," what would I do? Establish a "None of the Above!" law. If the majority of "wheee the shpeople" voted for None of the Above, then both candidates would be removed from contention. And new ones put up for consideration. It would turn the "system" upside down! 🙃
Now, do I really think this would work in overcoming the "power brokers" who are "behind the curtain?" Nah, given the depth of our apathy and indifference, among other things, very unlikely ...
America's Enemies
The still impossibly nasty and endlessly lingering issue of the 2016 elections was the so-called "Russian interference" in them. Oh my goodness (running around with hair on fire ...), what ever will we do?
News flash!! The Russians have been engaged in "interference" since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (one hundred years ago), if not earlier. As has every other adversary of our country. And, we can count on it, America has uhhh ... "returned the favor."
We live in a time of "unprecedented" (there's that word again ...) interconnectivity, via the Internet, which links up all of our digital devices globally. There is no end of opportunity for mischief, on the part of America's adversaries. Frankly, while I obviously have no way of knowing, Russia is likely "down the list" a bit, from some of the others ...
Wrapping this section up, books could and almost certainly will be written on the topic of America's 2020 Elections, dear reader. I have only skimmed the surface of a few highlight items. Hopefully, you have found something of interest in reading through what this Hive blogger thinks America is up against, going into its Elections for 2020.
Just remember (repeat after me ...), the only thing that is important to be able to say at the end of it all is:
All the other issues I have alluded to? Just move along. Nothing to see there ...
Blockchain Technology to the Rescue?
So ... If we narrow the scope of focus in our "democracy" to simply trying to ensure every vote is valid, as well as counts, what options do we have? Blockchain technology to the rescue! Or do we have a bit of a gap between the "promise" and the "reality" of that proposed solution?
From one "champion" in favor of the idea, we read this:
"Voter apathy has seen the number of people show up to cast their votes dwindle in recent years, even as it has become more important to do so. By providing an irrefutable and easy way to vote from one’s phone or PC, these numbers would likely rise. Even governments have a reason to change the status quo: a single vote currently costs between $7.00 and $25.00, when all factors are considered. A blockchain product like this costs just $0.50 per vote."
Investopedia post on "How Blockchain Technology Can Prevent Voter Fraud" [emphasis added mine]
Yeah, we don't even have to leave our "comfy chairs!" And why stop here? Let's take this all the way to its logical conclusion:
"Blockchain is paving the way for a direct democracy, where people can decide the course of policy themselves, rather than rely on representatives to do it for them. While the rules of a political election may have to be changed to make way for such a transparent system, blockchain is also ideal for informing business decisions, guiding general meetings, polling, censuses and more."
Same source. [emphasis added mine]
Utopia! Nirvana! ?...? (fill in the blank)! Now we're talking! "Throw the bums out" and just take care of it ourselves. Of course, everyone can be counted on to properly educate themselves to make well-informed decisions. And, equally "true," no one would ever abuse this (right China? Russia? North Korea? ...)
What could possibly go wrong? 🤷♀ 🤷♂
The "contrarians," in the post linked to the picture above, cite experts listing these challenges:
"Security experts disagree. The issues around online voting include server penetration attacks, client-device malware, denial-of-service attacks and other disruptions, all associated with infecting voters' computers with malware or infecting the computers in the elections office that handle and count ballots."
To guard against fraud, blockchains being immutable is one thing. Having our "Personal IDs" embedded in them, though? In the hands of the "Almighty" State? And, of course, voting is the only thing for which this awesome new power would ever be used. Right?
Of course it is ... We "solemnly swear" ... What could possibly go wrong? 🤷♀ 🤷♂
- Case in point: I was the manager of the department providing customer services for 40,000 members of an electric co-op. We were well trained in how to handle the objection of any American citizen to our request, upon signing up for service, for their Social Security number.
"Not for Identification" is clearly written, as the original Act specified, on my social security card received in my youth (yes, I still have it!). This was technically "honored," but not without serious consequences. So ... The number of people who "held the line" against divulging this info, in my 10 years? Out of thousands served, I could count them on one hand ...
Since this "solution" will certainly not even be close to providing a viable alternative for the American elections of 2020, I won't spend any more time on it. Let alone the fact I am most certainly not in favor of it.
This post is being published on and “immutably enshrined” in a blockchain, so might as well mention it! Right?
What is at stake with the outcome of the American elections of 2020? I have no doubt there is a wide range of opinion on the answer. For this American, involved with and participating in every election since 1972, the answer is uhhh ... "unprecedented!"
- Yes, I know it must've been at least 5 minutes since you last heard the 2020 "Word of the Year." 😏 Pure coincidence. Nothing to see here. Moving right along ... 😒
We are unapologetically proud Americans. Not of what our country is today, but of the legacy we inherited from the character, integrity and wisdom of our Founding Fathers. They were prolific writers, so it is not a mystery what they believed. Sadly, few of my countrymen today have any idea of what they stood for and what we are "progressively" losing ...
As we look to what the future holds, for my beloved life mate and I, we are much less concerned about ourselves, than we are for our children and grandchildren. The America we grew up in is threatened as never before in our lifetimes. In our view, if our country fails, there is no power on earth great enough to help us come back from it.
I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.
Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build up our Hive Communities and add increasing value to our Hive blockchain! 👍 😊
Hive Blogger, Man Cave "Dragon" 🐉, & LeoFinance "Whale" 🐋
🐝 🍯 🐝
P.S. An ancient text indicates Solomon, given unmatched wisdom, said "... there is nothing new under the sun." Another ancient text says "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Ever so gently suggesting we begin to challenge the relentless "everybody knows!" declarations all around us, you may wish to give this some serious thought and reflect on what is at stake, after reading this post ...
🌲 No trees were harmed in the publishing of this post! 🌲
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This account is protected by @dustsweeper
Dear @roleerob, I can't understand your writing because my English is poor. So, I want to ask a simple question. Do you want Trump to be re-elected? The majority of Koreans think Trump will fail reelection.
I don't know about the concept of American republic and democracy. However, most Koreans admire Abraham Lincoln more than George Washington.
George Washington was the king of American whites, but Lincoln was the king of American whites and blacks. So, Koreans remember Lincoln as the greatest American.
You ask a simple question, my Korean friend, when there is no simple answer @silvergrifin007. At least not to this Hive blogger.
If you could read my post, then my answer is we will vote against Biden and all that his election would represent to us ... As for Trump failing to be re-elected, that is of course possible. However, be wise in what you read and what you choose to believe. The press, across the face of the earth, can mostly be classified as your adversary. Many American people simply refuse to answer the questions of pollsters ...
The difference between these two words represents the essence of why this post was written. The consequences of my people's failure to grasp the importance of that difference is hard to overstate ...
Being very candid, this represents a lack of knowledge of American history. As well as likely being an indication of how much the current education system in Korea "mirrors" our own (to be crystal clear, that is not a compliment) ...
Have a prosperous and productive day!
My american senior @roleerob, Do you think Trump will succeed in reelection? Koreans think Trump will fail to reelect. I was surprised that Americans refused to answer the questions of pollsters.
Most Koreans don't know much about American republicanism and democracy. In particular, I don't know about the US election system and swing state.
Most Koreans are interested in the history of the American Civil War. After the Civil War, the United States entered the Pacific Ocean and created the present Asia-Pacific world.
I think we need to talk to each other about American history.
I wish you good health and longevity.
WoW @roleerob, Are you currently a District Leader? I had assumed that you were the governor of the United States. Maybe you are the mayor of a city now.
No @silvergrifin007 ...
... as stated in the post, that part of my life story was over almost 30 years ago.
And, as stated many times ...
... I am simply an American citizen ...
@roleerob, Were you a District Leader 30 years ago? So are you a Republican?
Putin and Xi Jinping are emperors with dictatorship. However, the United States is different in that citizens rule. So, I want to know about American civil society.
@silvergrifin007, I am an Independent.
In theory, yes, "we the people" rule. However, there is a great deal of work and responsibility required to maintain this freedom. An investment of "time and treasure" which has been very poorly "funded" for far too long. And today we are paying a very dear price for this ...
What would you like to know about "civil society" here in America?
Dear @roleerob, There are many things I want to ask you, but I still speak English at the elementary school level in the United States. Please understand that I need more time and effort.
Understood! 🙂