First and foremost an investor, I was introduced to the potential of this blockchain in 2017. In an investment newsletter ...
After some DYOR and reflection, I made my first investment days later.

I will cite "divine intervention" for help finding this picture. Almost perfect!
Sources: Creator dassel on Pixabay • Creator Fritz on Pixabay
So ... I "aped" in and made a "big splash," right? No ... I am the exact opposite of a "degen-brained" investor. I started small, by design, to then further investigate and go from there ...

Source: "Genesis Block
- Note well:
For which I paid how much?
0.1 ETH @ $332.01 at the time =>$1.476 /
, for a total of $33.35. Along with an exorbitant fee of 0.000441 ETH => $0.146.STEEMHIVE - If I had remained on the
Steemblockchain? At recent prices (~$0.37 /Steem), my huge initial investment would be worth $8.32! A loss of ~75% - If I had simply HODLed my ETH instead? At recent prices (~$4,000 / ETH), it would be worth ~$400.00! A ~12X gain! A wiser investment for keeping my hard-earned $$s ahead of inflation. And a much wiser investment of my time ...
- "Ohhh, wait! I know!! I'll be a "smart money" investor and BUY HIVE TODAY (@ ~$0.46 ea.) with my 0.1 ETH, right? Which would now result in having ~870 HIVE instead of my "genesis block" amount above?"That is a hard "No!" Why? I would expect similar results to the above, or worse, if I were writing this 6 years from now.
Fiercely protective of my "pseudo-anonymity," I initially elected to invest only and never publish at all.
"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow."
"This insightful quote by the Greek tragedian, Aeschylus, encapsulates the potential and power of growth that lies within seemingly insignificant beginnings."
Yep, after a quick glance at my "genesis block" investment ... "Seemingly ... insignificant ... beginnings ...?" No question of that.
Applying my standard DCA discipline to my investments, however, that grew over time, leading to my fateful decision to further "support" my investment. How?
Increase "user adoption," by establishing my first ever (having sworn I never would ...) online presence. From which I could begin writing my own posts, once I finished reading up on what was required / expected ...

Source: "Genesis Blockwork to
Which has just concluded with the payout on the last of my 10-post "Road Less Traveled" series. Series cumulative stats:
- HP Paid out - 163.801
- HBD Paid out - 463.262
- Upvotes received - 6,511 worth a cumulative total at payout of $331.06
Hmmm. Appears that my added value "quality content" earned a 👍 ... Or two ...
- Note well: This series was part of my private motivation for resuming publishing, as I place a high value on the opportunity to provide links to my children and grandchildren. Having started it, I was determined to finish it, before writing this post.
Over the years, since I began writing in May 2018, I have made numerous references to my "journey." With this post serving as my last publication on the Hive blockchain, that "journey" is coming to an end.
Hopefully, what I have just presented above addresses the oft-made point :
"What?! Leaving? They are just whiny because of their ?...? rewards ..."
No. If anything, I can imagine, from my experience "in here," there might be a few of my fellow Hivians asking something like the opposite:
"Wow! I wish I ?...? What is that guy's problem?"
"Funny" you should ask. It has nothing to do with money, earned in a "free market" (cough, cough) ... It has everything to do with principle.
"What is this all about then, @roleerob?"
Here you go (click on the images)...

Conclusion of my appealing HW's
Resulting in this post ...
- With preliminary "end of the road" steps taken, shortly after clicking on "Reply" ...

Authority, Accountability, and Alignment
Successful in 5 different industries, over my long professional career, managing teams of people from 1984 to my retirement, how many times and in various ways did I discuss my "A" words listed in this header?
Too many to count ...
As succinctly as I can manage, under the circumstances, I will now do my best to apply those life lessons to this final post, with an appeal to the Hive blockchain's ... "powers that be."
Do I present it as though in a courtroom engaged in a legal proceeding involving injustice? Or in a boardroom meeting with the Board facing charges of "corporate malfeasance?" In my mind, in this "virtual world," it is a bit of both.
So ...
You be the judge.
The Appeal
DHF Funding, to address ... "abuse" ... is badly in need of serious reform.The "efforts" of @hivewatcher, @hivewatchers, @hivewatch, @hivewatcher2 ..., backed by
Among other aspects of the problem and central to this being my final post, is the injustice of "judgment rendered" ...
for which any aggrieved party,
has no effective means to appeal!
Full stop. Period.
has no
Full stop. Period.
Yes, I agree there is a legitimate problem to be addressed and some good has been done, as a result.
No, as should be self-evident, I do not agree with anything along the lines of, "the good outweighs the bad!" How many "deposits" into your "good will bank account," from positive efforts, is wiped out of "your good will bank account", by ONE negative effort?
Is the ratio 5:1? 10:1? 20:1? ...
"Not fair!" Right. That's life. It does not change what I just said ... Failing to acknowledge that has resulted in ...
- Damage done to the investment of my time and money into adding valueto the Hive blockchain that is no longer acceptable.
- Figure out, ideally in the very near future, what constitutes a "black and white" (good) case of "abuse." With which you will find all but universal agreement.
- Clue: I am "on record," as helping, when the above was predominantly true. I left, when it wasn't ...
- Maximize "restraint" in "judging" what is a "gray area" (potentially bad) case, with some required humility and introspection, when your "judgment" clearly runs counter to that of other investors in this blockchain!
- Provide for a legitimate means of appealing these "judgments." What is in place now is ?...? I'll leave it to others to fill this in, as they deem best ... Clearly, for me, it is not good / close enough. Nor can the word appeal be properly applied to it.
The Board / Court / "Judge"
I will now make a notable exception to what I have long known violates Hive ... "etiquette." I will "name names" ...
- I'll only list the account names of the top 7 supporters of DHF Funding for Proposal #293. Without which the votes of everyone else is ?...? Feel "free" to characterize, as you may wish, dear reader ...
@blocktrades, @abit (@adm), @pharesim, @azircon, @smooth, @anyx, @roelandp:
In this "virtual world," you have been assigned authority, based upon the size your investment.
Other than two very simple questions, I will not waste my time or yours, with a "text wall" which won't matter ... The questions, related to even a cursory glance over anything I have written here, are:
When was the last time you invested
any of your time in evaluating the
performance of your "staff?"
any of
performance of your "staff?"
Be honest in your answer. Ideally, "out in the light" for the rest of the Hive blockchain to witness. Do you not have a "stewardship responsibility" for holding them accountable? And, in so doing, ensuring they are in alignment with what they are supposed to be doing?
- The instance leading to this post being written was not found in your "staff's" Hive Watcher report for Feb 2024. I obviously have no way of knowing how common an oversight like this is ...
To the extent you have invested some time:
Are you in
(with what has been
done under your authority
and in your name!)
done under your authority
and in your name!)
"Don't bring up a problem, without recommending a solution!"
You have been presented with mine. For the sake of the good people who depend on your wisdom, discernment, and judgment, I hope it might play some small role in serving its intended purpose ...
The Shareholders / Witnesses / Jury
Addressing a simple question to the current all-important (to the Hive blockchain ...) Top 20 Witnesses:
@arcange, @gtg, @blocktrades, @stoodkev, @steempeak, @ausbitbank, @good-karma, @themarkymark, @therealwolf, @yabapmatt, @deathwing, @roelandp, @ocd-witness, @quochuy, @smooth.witness, @abit, @guiltyparties, @threespeak, @emrebeyler, @pharesim:
Is this
(Particularly asked of
those of you on both lists)
those of you on both lists)
In response, if you are in any way in the "Complicit" or "Complacent" categories cited below, then just add my account to the "collateral damage" list and carry on with your day!
"Nothing to see here! Move along ..."
With only a very crude form of governance currently in place, all of the rest of us are "witnesses," to how well that is working. And, perhaps more important, to how effectively anything remotely close to "continuous improvement" efforts are going, to enhance the value of our investments "in here."
You are now "witness," dear reader, to my assessment.
My only regret is losing the associations formed over time, with a diverse group of people, spread all across our big, wide world. It is the remarkable strength of that ... "holding power" ... which has kept me going up until now.
I genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best, for a better tomorrow!

Responses to Appeal
To close out this post, I will classify everyone into one of the three following categories, with respect to the "central theme" of my last post:
At a minimum, those actively voting in favor of DHF Funding (at $290 HBD / day!
), for this ... "abuse."
In addition, we find all those who give "hearty approval" to how wonderfully well the "central theme" of my final post is going, in enhancing the investment value of their stake in the Hive blockchain. At the "expense" of damaging that of far too many others ...
It is highly unlikely anyone in this category has read this far. Or even opened this post ...
The "silent majority's" opinion / position / ?...? default response? Covers most everyone else, outside of "Complicit" with various versions of more or less the same thing:
"Well ... That's not right, but ... At least it didn't happen to me ...
"Just keep your head down ..."
And on and on it goes ...
Doing nothing is no longer an option, for me. In life, dear reader, what has been your experience with:
- Abusive personal relationships, in all of there various forms ...
- Abusive "Almighty State" relationships, in all of its various forms ...
- Abusive "corporate malfeasance" relationships, in all of its various forms ...
What, if anything, do these share in common, by way of how people can be driven to finally respond? In all of the various forms it takes, many people do what they can:
... to "vote with their feet" and
get out!
There is an unmistakable sadness and heaviness of heart I feel in reaching this decision. I had not lightly reached my recent decision to resume posting, as I know what it takes.
After the completion of my latest travel-related series, I was going to resume my "Back to Eden" gardening series, as I really enjoy the simple things in life. And I know there are very solid people in that community, deserving whatever I could do in my small way to support and encourage ...
But ... No ... HW's malignant efforts not only reappeared, but they did so ... "right up in my face!" There was a time when I attempted to derive sufficient benefit over and above these value destroying actions to keep going, in spite of it.
I am unwilling to do that anymore. As an investor, I believe "money flows to where it's treated best" ultimately. And I have better things to do with my time ...
- Although an occasional POL ("proof of life") comment might appear here and there ...

End of the Road
comment (strike 1, 2, 3 ...) below, if interested, for details.Wait, @roleerob! The title of your post here ends with a question mark? True. By design. See my
As this post has presumably made clear enough, however, I have all but zero thought this post will make any difference whatsoever. And have acted accordingly ...
Otherwise, I have done what I believe to be right, in an attempt to potentially help those who choose to remain active here. And I leave in peace.
Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we you all work together to build up our your Hive Communities and add increasing value to our your Hive blockchain! 👍 😊
DHF Funding (at $290 HBD / day!
) and absent seriously needed reforms, actively ... "manages" ... to destroy it. 👎😔While @hivewatcher, @hivewatchers, @hivewatch, @hivewatcher2 ..., backed by
Blogger @roleerob
🌲 No trees were harmed in the publishing of this post! 🌲

Hive Watchers is a shit show, and them getting $300/day is a joke. Before they got their proposal approved, they were self voting 60-90 comments/day for $2+ each, while downvoting people who did the same thing with 10 cents and $10 downvotes. I've been doing a bulk of their job downvoting real abuse for years that they "allow".
Total truth!
How about me being attacked by HW multiple times with False information and obviously incorrect reports?
I've been blacklisted MULTIPLE times and have had EVERY one removed.
hW also blacklisted an innocent account.
Do they ever apologize? Make things right?
Nope they bill the community for thousands while attacking others over the slightest personal attacks...
Then how about hive Pakistan and the dlmmbq being openly racist. Openly putting in wrongful reports and obviously being used to exercise personal vendettas?
This has been apart of destroying the community along with the rest of the bad actors of hive.
This is destroying the block chain and has ran off the far majority of the community here.
There won't be mass adoption. Hive is now a niche ran by control freaks.
How nice ...
... to learn hypocrisy can be added to the list.
So ...
How is it their proposal then receives the support that it does? What would that be called?
P.S. I see somehow putting their account names in my post has been blocked. Not sure how, then, you were even aware it had been posted. That said, I do thank you for your comment and shedding more light on the problem, for the sake of others.
People want to believe something that isn’t reality.
I’m a wizard.
"People" is too generous. It's more like a few persons.
I like it! Now ... If only someone in authority could do something about it ...
🤣 Well
You first need to get to understand the authority problem in your authority logic.
Hivewatchers is actually the just perfect authority you need and want to learn from :)
I prefer not to use tees as message medium,
but at least I can enjoy this... actually enjoyed it a lot. 🙃
I made it a while ago in. Bother conversation about HW. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
I did the opposite Steem -> Fork -> Sell all Steem and Hive to buy $150>ETH.
Feeling pretty good about that decision. Hive requires a lot of work for a mediocre return. The inflation is nuts for a blockchain that has limited users and as other people said, some of the proposals in the DAO can only be described as idiotic. Instead of burning all the excess Hive which I submitted a proposal for, (it was soundly rejected because people can't math), they inflated Hive and all my predictions about future price came true.
Luckily I put my money where my mouth was.
Well done!
Bro casually dropped the realest post of the year
It's very unfortunate to read this. Your content is solely your own and has your unique voice all over it - I could recognize your writing without seeing your name! The fact that HiveWatchers and co. can choose to target someone like you is simply unfathomable and despicable. Whatever good they may have done in the past... the scales have greatly tipped over to the other side. Not to mention, it's largely run by one person who loves having this power, and completely lacks empathy for other people as evidenced by my interactions with them. No one person should have so much power to destroy others on this blockchain.
I do hope that you "proof of life" comments will be frequent, as you definitely do provide value here. By the majority, you are appreciated.
Edit: I just saw you mention below that it was on behalf of someone else that you saw was downvoted that you're resigning. The sentiment does remain the same.
🌄 Good morning! ☕ Thank you for your kind words. This stood out ...
... as I have always put a lot of work into my content "in here."
This is one of the most important aspects of what I attempted to communicate in my last post:
Most will still try to claim something along the lines of "more good than bad ..." As is now crystal clear, I do not agree.
So, now my account will be on the "collateral damage" list. It isn't the first. It most assuredly will not be the last. Along the way, the damage to everyone's investment is a sad reality unfortunately.
I do hope, for your sake and that of the many good Hivians still laboring away, that the "powers that be" finally get it figured out. If that day ever arrives and you are still around, please feel free to reach out and let me know.
Thanks for investing your time to write this! 🫡👋
It is sad to see you leave and it is even sadder to see this toxic behaviour supported by DHF. I have written many times about how we are using DHF wrong. I have seen many good projects get ignored while problematic operations such as Hivewatchers keep receiving funding.
If these were individual actors, these actions could be justified by saying that it is the stake they bought/earned for themselves. A community funded account on the other hand is a disgrace to the entire community. Best of Luck for your future!
Thank you for your kind words @vimukthi. Yes, it is very sad, but ... It is not new. And I am just no longer willing to pretend that it is going to be addressed. At least in a manner I can support, with my hard-earned dollars.
Some say the individual responsible for responding to me is the culprit. I could hardly disagree more. His account is all but meaningless, given the stake he has. It is the "powers that be" who have backed him who are both responsible. And accountable (not really ...). With both their "hammer" stake for his downvotes, as well as (rubbing salt in the wound ...) supporting the DHF paying him to do it.
Unacceptable. To me ...
For those of you good people, amongst whom I count you, who continue on to try make more of the Hive blockchain, I wish you all the best. 🫡 I will be happy, for your sake, to be proven wrong ...
Prevailing is hard! After rather nasty notes from them when I have attempted to defend Ecencians that they are attacking, I now ignore them at all costs and keep my head down. Nothing would make me happier than to see a fair and just system of defending the blockchain from true scammers. New users need clearly displayed rules about what is acceptable and what is not!
After a run in some years ago I too try to simply ignore them at all cost, keep ones head down moving forward.
Still don't agree with the system nor style it is used in!
The damage that ignoring them and trying to continue on has ended up running off the entire community...
Voiced concern over system within the platform at the time, who else do you discuss with except going directly.
Yes, no doubt.
For your (and many other good people "in here") sake, I hope ...
... you survive to experience this. If you ever believe that is finally in place, I'll welcome hearing about it.
How do yoy watmnt clear rule if not everyone is okay with the same rules
there are multiple sets of rules and "double standard" policy concerning what you can do here at Hive (presumably depending on the size of your wallet).
Are hivians are equal but somd hivians are more equal than other.
The nature of plutocracy
Absolutely! I was destroyed last week by acid yo because he was mad that my words were true... And then proved it to the entire community by mass-down voting me in a fit of rage over not intimidating me into silence.
I'm homeless. I'm on disability. And I'm done trying to save this community. I'm powering down and taking what value that I've earned and using it to survive...
Especially with this last little price increase!
They bullied ecency into removing boosts.
Back stabbed and established blockchain business and remove the far majority of their investors that were supporting them. Driving a huge amount of investors off the blockchain.
Constantly been content judges as well as organized hit squads to attack other individuals and to drive them off the blockchain..
Which in reality they just were being selective and trying to find people who would be victimized and then support their abuser.... Odc now has the best retention of users? Well yeah they're the biggest group, and they're handing out a bunch of rewards. And if you don't speak out you don't get hammered so... Of course they are going to go attack others...
Having all these bad actors supporting each other? Has now just insured that they own the blockchain and can bully anybody or anything into what they want.
Don't forget they started the big bot wars and bullied the entire blockchain into changing. They keep systematically attacking others as well as having this community incubation program which basically is another threat. You can get delegations for your community however if you don't exclude certain members based on personal attacks? You can get that vital life saving support removed from your group!
Oh yeah....
Hive shot itself in the foot.
The end of the blockchain is near.
Unless... The community fights for it or changes happen..
I'm doubting anyone fights over it.
Hive shot itself in the foot.
uhu... in a most "decentralised" manner 😂
Omfg.... You really killed that comment. Hard core...
The quotes yep. Total facts.
Vote. While I still have an
But if there are no rules, why does anyone have authority to enforce them?
No idea i'm not Hw i'm not an exemplare hive uset just downvoting shit im pinged too amd didnt ask or laslee posts, i dont have any tlrule set on what is real content or not
Only to be bullied by acidyo and ocd into removing boosting from ecency.
Yeah yeah can't confirm or deny. As the threat of them destroying your hard work is very real. Just like they destroyed other blockchain businesses... Like The Backstabbing of Psyberx.
Oh and of course acidyo wipes me out for a week of rewards. Ohhhh I'm getting what 3.50$ a week? Ohhhhhh such a threat to downvote pennies to threaten and bully me into not talking?
Yeah... That should be grounds for a full blacklist. Along with these bad actors alts and groups.
How is it decentralization if OCD and acid yo on the blockchain bully the blockchain and support Hive watchers? It's a total monopoly and the end of our block chain!
Then the constant threats and repeated bullying by these groups?
When is it going to end?
I agree with elements of reform needed in anti-abuse efforts broadly, with HW being the obvious big fish in the mix.
In this list of various growth initiatives (relevant part: user retention via more structured anti-abuse), I suggest that we need:
Anti-abuse efforts
Curious to know your thoughts.
There is very little abuse on Hive and most of what there is I am taking care of. The real abuse is trending and the DHF.
Savage. True
The kind of abuse you refer to is endemic in a plutocracy.
The rules are pretty simple and all that however Hive watchers is only one part of the larger toxic group... The ones that own hive in entirety.
They can bully everyone and everything and suck the rewards from the community without providing ANYTHING but toxic behavior to the block chain.
However now they can do this with impunity.
During the Free speech wars people tried to fight back however that ended up with Kenny's kitchen who was arguably able to do something? He went full stupid. Lol he's self-destructive and left after trying to destroy the entire blockchain.... Which was the only time that since the fork that the entire community banded together and all the whales downvoted him into leaving....
We need to completely different group to do this that's community-based and educates people about the rules and how to follow them with minor punishments instead of full nuclear warfare and blacklists.
Oh there is absolutely no community beginner outreach that teaches people the rules. No community support Network...
Although @freecompliments is trying. But we will see.
Obviously now it's to the point where the entire blockchain is threatened. I'm pulling up what I've got and I'm leaving as well. Well I'm just not going to be super die hard saving and investing here on the blockchain for a future that isn't happening.
I'm not saving and investing in more communities because they keep getting destroyed! Bullied!
Core infrastructure of hive? Bullied and they fold instantly instead of trying to defend their years of hard work.
Oh me? Smashed because of somebody didn't like the words that were coming out of my mouth because they were that true.
The abusers of Hive on the blockchain? Own the blockchain and circle jerk each other and bully everybody else....
Look around. Where's all the community?
Sorry you feel that way! I've been making connections all over the place in Hive, and while there is certainly concentrations of power I've yet to come across anything deeply malicious. Yeah, some snarky and standoffish attitudes for sure... but also a lot of genuine and inspiring work towards helping make Hive a great place.
If you've time to share any links to incidents or issues that'd be swell (always seeking to see more sides of the story). Here, or privately if you wish.
Nothing formal, no, but there are groups in OCD and places like TheTerminal that are helping onboard people in friendly, positive ways.
Very curious about this story—can you share more?
I'm part of a few, like Hive Pizza, Scholar & Scribe, DreemPort. Most of the major games have legit communities (with all their ups and downs). InLeo is a huge frothy community with exciting things going on. Liketu has a bunch of cool communities and support for them. And there are loads of non-English communities that are thriving as far as I can tell.
So I mean, it's here. Most are largely independent, and it'd be great if more could band together for the greater good of Hive—but that takes time, leadership, will, circumstance, incentive... a tough recipe to get right and maintain!
No it's mostly owned by acidyo and ocd. And that's another part of the abuse... Which has recently happened to me.
No group of people on the block chain are successful in standing up to them.
Yeah I'm pulling out and cashing in. It's my right. I'm homeless. Hell out of anyone one i deserve it for helping to build communities and helping others out.
Hive engine and second layer tokens... My idea. Pizza and beer tokens... Me...
On anti-abuse efforts ... Well, I do not know you, but ... I will stuff my "smart remark" initial thoughts ...
There isn't anything on your list with which I would disagree.
Until the root issues I have attempted to cover in my last post are addressed, I do not think any other details matter. They will be ignored. Or worse (see the hypocrisy brought "out in the light" in the comment just above) ...
There is certainly... governance inefficiency here at Hive. Part of it is the nature of decentralization, of course (leading to diffusion of responsibility). I also suspect many stakeholders just are simply not equipped to deal with matters concerning the success of a big tech platform like Hive. Ideally you'd have perfect market research and seasoned, morally pure executives calling shots—but that's a fantasy even in the centralized world.
Forcing Witnesses and other major stakeholders "into the light" and getting conversation happening often and persistently is a pathway, I believe. So thank you for your efforts in that regard.
If anything remotely close to that is ever reached ... As it is now, a very small number of accounts control much of what you are experiencing.
Including (again see comment above) whether or not this post is even visible to those to whom my appeal in this post was made.
I appreciate the thought! 🫡
I'm sad to finally see this post, but glad you linked it in the post about HW where I saw it.
Free speech is infinitely - existentially - valuable. Far more valuable than money.
The problem Hive has is it's a plutocracy, and the real value of social media, which has rapidly become the largest financial sector in world markets, isn't the actual value best rewarded. Instead mere mammon is assigned that value, which draws pirates and profiteers.
Thank you for writing this @valued-customer. I appreciate it!
We certainly agree ...
... on this. Sad that it seems so poorly understood and under appreciated in our society today. As you say, it is an existential threat ...
Congratulations @roleerob! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)
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Okay ... One more upvote for @hivebuzz, from what is left of my HP, as I have always liked what you do overall. As this is my last post, I will assume this is my last notification of an achievement ... 👋
Thank you so much for your kind words and all the support you've given over the years!
The answer to your question is 100:1 up to 200:1.
The Hivewatchers and their gang around Mark Jeftovic are a criminal acting Gang - thieves of money and lifetime.
I don't see them flagging your stuff, am I missing something? I don't make a habit of trawling the HW discord.
No, they did not flag my work. The links provided show it was the post of another whose work I upvoted.
Same. I've fought to save others and the community..
It's looking like hive is sinking. And badly with this self destruction.
Lol $290 a day to curb “abuse” worth much less than that per day.
Is there any transparency about where those funds are spent?
Mostly in their pockets.
Spread around to their minions too....
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use
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.Thank you for your witness vote!
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you for your witness vote!
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.Oh so the owner of hivewatchers. And the main Judge Jury And Executioner? Got ran off chain. But still maintains this role. And actively abused the community specializing in destroying the newer accounts.
Oh yeah.... They still getting paid to kneecap the BLOCK CHAIN!
Oh how about my multiple blacklists that were wrongful reports? All reversed.
How about during that an innocent completely unrelated account and person was also involved and destroyed?
What about the rest of the abuse.... Oh yeah....
Hive is destroyed. From these leeches and sharks. They own hive. It's a monopoly now.
Without consequences...
Wow man, you’ve definitely got a way with words and a strong argument. I hope for things to be the best they can, and hopefully you will keep your account in case you ever have a change of heart!
Thank you @albuslucimus. I certainly appreciate it! Not recalling seeing your account name before (if you don't mind my asking), how did you find my post here?
Just scrollin’ bro!