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RE: TDC Tunes Studio Build!

in The Man Cave3 years ago

Forgive me but I had to use Google translate....

English version:

Your study was very good. Congratulations! Small but cozy, the light design gives it a very modern look. I can recommend that, to improve the acoustics a bit, you put pleated shades in the corners behind the desk, to kill the reflection in those areas. I don't know the height of your ceiling but you can place a false ceiling (forgive the redundancy) slightly angled to break with the square shape of the room. I look forward to hearing more about you and your music.

My reply:

Thanks so much! Those are good tips about improving the acoustics - I'd definitely like to take those a bit further in the coming months. Watch this space and thanks again!

¡Muchas gracias! Esos son buenos consejos para mejorar la acústica. Definitivamente me gustaría llevarlos un poco más lejos en los próximos meses. Mira este espacio y gracias de nuevo!


Oh. I have Chrome set up to translate automatically. I thought you were latino. I'm from Cuba but I try to comment on posts in the author's language. It's an exercise for me. Cheers.

Oh I see! Well it worked I think!

Thanks loads for taking the time to write a great comment - will bear your advice about acoustics in mind...