A great addition, having the right tool for any job is always a pleasure.
You mentioned that you will be getting some different bits for the router.
Some bits that I find to be fun to use are plunge bits.
I use them to make different signs. The router I have has an attachment that can be added and it allows one to plunge the bit into the wood and then scribe letters, designs, or anything you fancy. After completing each letter, you just take some downward pressure off of the router and it lifts the router away from the surface of the wood. It
It's a great attachment and makes plunge bits more versatile.
The plunge attachment can be removed in seconds, and you're back to a regular router.
That plunge deck is gonna be my next purchase. I really want to find a way to be able to attach it into a table for a router table. I know I have seen someone make one somewhere?? Great now I gotta search it...
Making a router table sounds like another DIY project.