観音 Kannon

in Sketchbooklast year

Hello everyone,

I'm back with a new illustration to share with the world.

This one called 観音 Kannon, the bodhisattva (a revered Buddhist figure on the path to enlightenment) of compassion and mercy. In Japanese mythology she takes on divine features and is a popular deity.

Artboard 1@2x.png

Kannon is the modern Japanese rendering of Guanyin, or 観音. Guanyin was originally Guanshiyin, which translated to “One who Perceives the Sounds of the World". Kannon is the East Asian representation of Avalokiteśvara (Sanskrit: अवलोकितेश्वर) and has been adopted by other Eastern religions, including Chinese Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese folk religion.

Avalokiteśvara is a tenth-level bodhisattva associated with great compassion (mahakaruṇā). And is often associated with Amitabha Buddha. Avalokiteśvara is also known for the popular mantra, oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ, which is the most popular mantra in Tibetan Buddhism.

And here's the detailed view of 観音 Kannon in 4 parts;

Part 1/4
Artboard 2@2x.png

Part 2/4
Artboard 3@2x.png

Part 3/4
Artboard 4@2x.png

Part 4/4
Artboard 5@2x.png


Very nice style of art ! keep going :)

Thank you so much!