मोक्ष Moksha

in Sketchbook11 months ago

Hi everyone, I hope you all doing well.
Today, I would like to share my newest illustration with you all.
Today's illustration is called मोक्ष Moksha

Artboard 1@2x.png

Moksha is derived from the Sanskrit root word, muc, which means to free, let go, release, liberate.

Moksha (मोक्ष), is a term in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism for various forms of emancipation, liberation, nirvana, or release. It refers to freedom from samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth). In its epistemological and psychological senses, moksha is freedom from ignorance: self-realization, self-actualization and self-knowledge.

In Hindu traditions, moksha is a central concept and the utmost aim of human life. The other three aims are dharma (virtuous, proper, moral life), artha (material prosperity, income security, means of life), and kama (pleasure, sensuality, emotional fulfillment).

And here's the detailed view in 4 parts;

Artboard 2@2x.png

Artboard 3@2x.png

Artboard 4@2x.png

Artboard 5@2x.png

I hope you enjoy my work, wish you all well :)