शक्ति Shakti

in Sketchbooklast year

Hello everyone,

It's been too long since my last post here, and i hope everyone's doing well.

So, here's my newest illustration.

Artboard 1@2x.png

This one's called Shakti (शक्ति). Inspired by Hinduism theological tradition which represents dynamic forces that permeate the universe.

Shakti embodies feminine energy but does not imply a rejection of the male. It rejects masculine-feminine, male-female, soul-body, transcendent-immanent dualism, considering nature as divine.

And here's the detailed view of Shakti (शक्ति) illustration in 4 parts.

Artboard 2@2x.png

Artboard 3@2x.png

Artboard 4@2x.png

Artboard 5@2x.png


amazing work bro

Thanks a lot bro