The skies have been so pretty lately especially after the rains and the views are to behold at times! Double rainbows, flocks of birds moving in the evening sky at sunset and what not. I mostly enjoy such pleasures with a little cup of tea with me and sometimes a book. :) I have a habit of taking tons of pictures and my gallery is mostly filled with sky views or sunsets hehe.
It think it's very important to take these moments and a pause from work to rejuvenate the mind. It serves as a great way to take a breather for me. Another great thing is I always wanted to make a sunset cloud scene from gouache and have it up on my wall. I am glad that I have a soothing scenery to see anytime I want. I absolutely LOVE watching gouache artists painting clouds simply because it's just so peaceful and beautiful. I hope with some practice I can paint some more beautiful ones and cover my wall with them :D
Let me know what you guys think. I love to hear from you! 🧡
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Keep Creating
Lots Of Love <3
Beautiful sky, I like your illustration.
Aw, thank you!
Good job! It looks amazing 😍
Thank you very much! :)