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RE: Sketchbook 031 - FANART FRIDAYS - 2in1 Coffee Paintings!

in Sketchbook8 months ago

That wing with the eye in it is creepyawesome 😀

But 3/0 brushes ? That's not that small, honest..... 😁 The smallest I sell are the Reaper Miniatures 40/0 ones, especially designed for doing the pupils of the eyes on 28mm scale figures. Although the smallest that people sensibly buy are 10/0. A lot of people forget that the perfect brush would have a tiny point but a huge belly so you don't have to keep dipping back into the paint (of coffee....)


Wow, looks like you're going have to give me some tips on what to buy next time I go supply shopping 😅 The biggest issue with trying to teach yourself is, there's a lot you just don't know. You're right, the constant dipping is pretty annoying at times.