Watercolor Experiment

in Sketchbook3 years ago


Hey everyone! Today’s art is super special! I was thinking of how people do under-paintings before the major painting process, I decided to apply it to painting flowers. It was really fun watching the colors bleed into one another.

It was very bright when it was wet, but it dried much lighter. When it got dry, I drew nasturtiums with a 0.3 ink pen. It was really cool! It would have been really nice if the watercolor had retained the saturation level while it was wet when it dried.

I didn’t make a sketch before painting, I wet the paper with a spray bottle and began applying my colors. Check the process below!

I’ve seen a few artists use techniques like this, and it’s such a beautiful effect, I suggest you try it too. I made of Vangogh watercolor, UniPin ink pens, and my Sinoart sketchbook.





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