Watercolor Practice

in Sketchbook2 years ago


Hey lovely people! Today’s art is a figure painting done in watercolor. The painting depicts a lady playing tennis. I made use of green mixed with a little blue. I wanted it to give a very cool/ calming effect, almost like she played tennis immediately after a downpour. The reference made it easier to bring the idea to life, here it is https://pin.it/7ppcw92 .

For the shadow blue was more dominant. I made use of Winsor & Newton, Vangogh watercolor, Creta color pencils and my Sinoart sketchbook.

Here’s the process!





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Really lovely painting, nice technique. The shadow really added more beauty to the painting, showing where the light is shining from. Nice work.

Thank youu! I think the same too! That’s the beauty of contrast and good lighting✨🙃

It's a nice one.
I liked it.

@tipu curate 3

I suggest you use the oneup tag as well for such posts.

Really glad you do! I’ll be sure to use it, it seems like a fitting tag for my current creative process✨❤️i appreciate the recommendation