House on a Hill : Created on Blender

Final Render: House on a Hill


Hello everyone, Today I aim to build a simple house with cool textures. I wanted it to stand on the slope of a hill. I remember I saw a similar house while I was in Germany a few years back and that image just was stuck in my mind and I had to build and render it.

The grass was of course green in the original place that I had seen. To make the scene more interesting I made it red and made it almost look like the whole thing is on Mars.

Break down:

The landscape was created by subdividing a mesh and using proportional editing to make it wavy.
The general shape of the house was made and I looked at it at different angles to define the camera view.
Added some details to the house.
Placing it on the landscape that was built earlier.
Adding colors and textures to the objects and added an HDR map for the surroundings.
