Hello guy, hope you are having a good day this is another of my drawing, it a drawing of my friend's kid sister
I started by sketching the hair I used a 10B pencil the hair took me a little time getting it right.
After that I went to the face and and I used a HB, 2B and 6B, I used 6B on the darker part of the face and HB on the lighter parts of the fact and 2B for colors in-between.
I also used same method for the skin and her clothing.
I used both blending stemp and paint brush to blend the drawing.
This one of my practice drawing, and with a little bit of editing I got this
Thanks for viewing my post I really hope you enjoyed my drawing. Thanks and have a nice day.
Wow amazing work!
From the first picture I thought it was Rihanna haha.
Same I also thought it was young Rihana 😄
Yeah it dose look a bit like rehanna, thanks