Joy in the morning

in Sketchbook3 years ago


Hello fellas,

Check out my latest drawing titled joy in the morning, 'joy' an expression of sensational feeling. Creating an atmosphere that cannot be altered.

I can't just explain the cause of my overwhelming state of mind. I guess it's joy from within, not just based on physical manifestation but an assurance of peace.

Yesterday I was downcast , financial instability is alarming. Worrisome developing from bills that demands urgent attention.

But I'm just at peace and calm, I can think straight and be rest assured that help will come. No just because I'm bold. My intuition is blessed with insightful method to handle this present predicament.

I found the solution and I'm moving on

Below are stages of my drawings







Thanks for constantly checking and voting my drawings


Good job man. Your art is wealth, your greatest asset. I belief with time finance well be stable.

Thanks bro, really appreciate