Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing fine!
I’m back with another post today. First, I hope you all liked the sketch 😊
Image Source- www.bhmpics.com/download.php?file=/downloads/sad-inside-happy-outside-Wallpapers/19.esh2ff9xeaepcz9.jpg
Now, coming to the discussion, I’m assuming most of you probably would have guessed a lot of things based on the title. So, what’s happiness today? The goal today is to be always happy with everything we’re doing in our life. But that’s so simple I guess and does not happen so easily. Anyone disagrees? There are ups and downs, struggles, pains, sleepless nights, and an award for these in form of happiness, joy and most important I think, satisfaction due to achieving the result. Simply, I would say, it goes like a rollercoaster and requires courage.
I know the difficult part is going through all the downs and struggles and in between those, I believe many have gone through this situation at some point where we’re acting as a happy person, but a lot is going on in our minds. One of the reasons of this is to not show the pain to people and solve it in our own way. Another reason (which I have mostly seen that people generally do) is when we don’t face the issues and avoid them. We find distractions to avoid the problems and keep ourselves involved, which ultimately results in this situation. Honestly, I also did the same and there I was, thinking how much the sketch relates to my situation. The courage is not to avoid or looking for a distraction but to face it, think through it and share it with your friends of course :P. The solution will not be handy with you or anyone but slowly, you’ll automatically start figuring it out or have some solution. It’ll make you a stronger person and will increase your confidence because you no longer would look for a distraction because that’s a case when this loneliness comes when we’re unable to find any distraction. So, at the end, what do you want to live your life- Just Happiness or Courage too?
Be Strong! Be Happy!