in Sketchbooklast year

¡Hola vecinos de HIVE!, 😊 hace algunos años conseguí un trabajo muy bueno de recepcionista de un hotel, para mi sorpresa allí trabajaba un amigo de la infancia, de hecho era el encargado, así que entré en confianza rápido. Una de las primeras cosas que me dijo fue que estaba enamorado de una chica que vivía muy lejos, en la guaira. Eso me alegró bastante, pero dentro de mí decía que eso no iba a durar mucho. Lo típico es que las relaciones de lejos acaben en mal, yo decía que más temprano que tarde se darían cuentan, pues en ese momento tenían 20 y 17 años. Al principio de su noviazgo era muy detallista con ella y de echo me dijo que le hiciera un retrato, pues él quería obsequiárselo cuando la viera, y con gusto acepté. Traté que quedara lo mas sencillo y parecido posible. Le puse el titulo de: UN AMOR GENUINO.


Durante el tiempo que estuvimos trabajando juntos, me di cuenta que ese amor era más de lo que pensaba. Fue a visitarla varias veces, pero ella se tenía que mudar a otro país, a ESPAÑA. ¡Se tenían que separar mucho más!
antes de que se fuera, le llevó su retrato para mostrarle su amor.
Les dejo un pequeño paso a paso. Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi antiguo celular ZTE Blade 210. No quedaron tan buenas por eso.

Los materiales que utilicé son: lápiz Hb, 2B, lápices de colores FAMOSA Y GRAFICOLOR, sobre cartulina, utilizando la técnica mano alzada.





Al final, se comprometieron a esperarse el uno al otro. Ella se fue, pero mi amigo estaba demasiado enamorado de ella y se comprometió a irse a España también. Eso no era nada fácil para un joven aquí en Venezuela, pues todo es difícil pero no imposible, así que reunió durante algunos años y lo consiguió.
Para mi sorpresa, lo veo por la redes sociales con la novia en España. tuvo que esperar alrededor de tres años para lograrlo , pero al final se reunieron y están juntos.

De esto aprendí que el amor traspasa fronteras literalmente, es paciente, todo lo espera. Además no debemos juzgar a los demás por la apariencias, solo hay que animarlos a que hagan las cosa bien y listo. Yo forme parte de ese trayecto con ese dibujo. Espero que les haya gustado la historia detrás del dibujo.


Hello HIVE neighbors!, 😊 some years ago I got a very good job as a receptionist in a hotel, to my surprise a childhood friend of mine worked there, in fact he was the manager, so I got to know him quickly. One of the first things he told me was that he was in love with a girl who lived far away, in La Guaira. I was very happy about that, but inside me he said that it wasn't going to last long. The typical thing is that relationships from far away end badly, I said that sooner or later they would realize it, because at that time they were 20 and 17 years old. At the beginning of their relationship he was very detailed with her and in fact he told me to make her a portrait, because he wanted to give it to her as a gift when he saw her, and I gladly accepted. I tried to keep it as simple and similar as possible. I gave it the title: A GENUINE LOVE.


During the time we were working together, I realized that this love was more than I thought. He went to visit her several times, but she had to move to another country, to SPAIN. Before she left, he took her portrait to show his love.
Here is a little step by step. The pictures were taken with my old ZTE Blade 210 cell phone. They didn't turn out so good because of that.

The materials I used are: Hb pencil, 2B, FAMOSA and GRAFICOLOR colored pencils, on cardboard, using the freehand technique.





At the end, they agreed to wait for each other. She left, but my friend was too much in love with her and promised to go to Spain as well. That was not at all easy for a young man here in Venezuela, as everything is difficult but not impossible, so he gathered for a few years and made it.
To my surprise, I see him through the social networks with the girlfriend in Spain. he had to wait about three years to make it , but in the end they met and are together.

From this I learned that love literally crosses borders, it is patient, it waits for everything. Also, we should not judge others by appearances, we just have to encourage them to do the right thing and that's it. I was part of that journey with this drawing. I hope you liked the story behind the drawing.

That is Love, patiente! crossing borders, and absolutelly this is a good job with drawing her face and being part of this story! 💚

The truth is like this! And at least that portrait is in Spain 🇪🇸. @marialeovalless

waiting for someone for 3 years is a true testament to love and dedication. I hope their love story has a happy ending and the portrait is beautiful, you did a good work.

yes, let's hope they have a good ending. thanks for your support. @smith1321

Making a painting of someone is a very difficult task and especially when you have to make someone's face, you have to use your unique mind, which you have done very well in this painting.

oh thank you... it's very true what you say, and that's why I'm satisfied. @ankurkarma

Buen dibujo, sigue poniendo amor a tu arte.

Gracias amiga, es parte de mi trabajo. Tratar de expresar lo que pienso en una obra. ❤️ @arbolaria

Amigo que bien dibuja

What a nice love story. <3

Detrás de una obra, siempre hay una historia! Gracias 😊

This is a new work of art ❤️