Recientemente me encontraba leyendo uno de los últimos capítulos del manga de One Piece, del dibujante y escritor Eiichirō Oda, y la verdad que nació en mi la necesidad crear algo relacionado al mundo pirata.
Fue así como decidí dibujar al "Mayor Capitán del Mar del Este", personaje ficticio original inspirado en aquellas épicas y alocadas aventuras de piratas.
Mientras dibujaba, decidí escuchar el tema principal de la banda sonora de la película "Piratas del Caribe", y la verdad que no pude estar más agradecido por esa decisión. Me tele transportó a un mundo completamente nuevo, en el que disfruté navegar mientras realizaba esta nueva publicación.
Sin más preámbulos a continuación les presentaré el "Paso a Paso" del "Mayor Capitán del Mar del Este".
Recently I was reading one of the last chapters of the One Piece manga, by the cartoonist and writer Eiichirō Oda, and the truth is that I felt the need to create something related to the pirate world.
That's how I decided to draw "Major Captain In The East Sea", an original fictional character inspired by those epic and crazy pirate adventures.
While I was drawing, I decided to listen to the main theme of the soundtrack of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", and I couldn't be more grateful for that decision. It teleported me to a whole new world, which I enjoyed navigating while I was making this new post.
Without further ado, I will now present to you the "Step by Step" of the "Greatest Captain In The East Sea".
Step by Step:
First, I started the project by drawing a rustic sketch of our imposing Captain, to later detail his features and clothing. I also detailed his hair and beard, trying to create an iconic character.
Then, I made the final line art, polishing each faction of his face and details in general, leaving everything ready for coloring. I wanted to represent in the coloring a counter light, and play a lot with the shadows on his face, to make it interesting to the eye. So I decided to play a lot with the wrinkles of his face and clothes along with the color, to generate the concept I wanted.
At this point, I finished coloring the glow on her face and decided to place my signature in the upper left corner of the canvas, ending my illustration.
And thus, I consider my publication to be complete. The truth is that I had an incredible time illustrating this new character. It was super cool to visualize the world through which the "Captain" would navigate, as I consider it nourishes the drawing in a positive way.
I loved the end result and I sincerely hope you did too. I can't wait to hear what you think in the comments, remember to stay healthy and drink lots of water!
Muy buen dibujo, felicitaciones!
Los rasgos del rostro y la barba son imponentes.
Muchísimas gracias, maestro!