Esto es otra historia que recordé gracias una subida al monumento de mi ciudad con dos amigos, fuimos a una zona de senderismo y en un descuido una amiga me toma una foto.
Meses atrás le había contado sobre un sendero que actualmente estaba sellado y este en especial era un atajo para los estudiantes universitarios del tecnológico.
Aunque vivimos en una ciudad que se puede decir que la rutina es aburrido cuando descubrí este camino era lo suficiente curioso como para advertirte "nunca vayas solo".
Entendí a la primera que la zona no era muy segura, en si cuando entras en aquel sendero es oscuro cubierto de arboles que mas adelante después de pasar por un camino plano para luego llegar a la subida, ya describiendo como era ese camino, existía algo raro en aquel lugar.
Era una presencia que tu cabeza gritaba "Vete" a todo momento, pero mi grupo existía dos tipo de personas, Los escépticos y los espirituales.
Asi que se puede decir que mi grupo era de ambos tipo incluyendo el estupido que da las ideas de separarnos, el que dice "si" a todo (que era mi ex), la que encontroba y tocaba objetos que fueron usados para brujeria y de mas y luego estoy yo.
Y fue mas de una vez que fuimos a explorar y debo decir que las cosas raras fueron en aumento, escuchabamos voces, el ambiente era pesado y cuando habia pajaros cantando estos se silenciaban al mismo tiempo.
Hoy dia no se si me arrepiento de haber ido, realmente la anormalidad del lugar no me afectaba por ya estaba acostumbrada a ella, de hecho era pacifico. Afecto mas a aquellos que vinieron conmigo.
¿Y como fue el final de esta historia?, Bueno... el estupido estaba enamorado de la loca, la loca se enamoro de mi ex y mi ex me dejo por la loca.
This is another story that I remembered thanks to a climb to the monument of my city with two friends, we went to a hiking area and in an oversight a friend takes a photo of me.
Months ago I had told him about a trail that was currently sealed off, and this one in particular was a shortcut for tech college students.
Although we live in a city that can be said that routine is boring when I discovered this path I was curious enough to warn you "never go alone".
I understood at the first time that the area was not very safe, if when you enter that path it is dark covered with trees that later, after passing through a flat path and then reaching the ascent, already describing what that path was like, there was something rare in that place.
It was a presence that your head screamed "Go" at all times, but my group existed two types of people, the skeptics and the spiritual.
So you can say that my group was of both types including the stupid one who gives the ideas of separating us, the one who says "yes" to everything (which was my ex), the one who found and touched objects that were used for witchcraft and more and then there is me.
And it was more than once that we went to explore and I must say that strange things were on the rise, we heard voices, the atmosphere was heavy and when there were birds singing they were silenced at the same time.
Today I do not know if I regret having gone, really the abnormality of the place did not affect me because I was used to it, in fact it was peaceful. Affection more to those who came with me.
And how was the end of this story ?, Well ... the stupid was in love with the crazy, the crazy fell in love with my ex and my ex left me for the crazy.