i´m a 25 years old tattoo artist from spain.
i know everything about procreate and photoshop, 3D, NFTS and a little of animation
i will like to contribute teaching my skills as tattoo artist and graphic design here totally free trhu my posts here.
I will love to here about you, if you resonate with my talents.
as i love to say.Hi Hive artist comunity i´m new here my instagram is @nachodacaltattoo
"We are all humans, we all have the same body structures, we all are divine, we all can do anything. we are capable of incountless things as the concience that we are so let´s bring the best of us everyday".
So what is going to be my first post here about?
well i first want to talk about how the tattoo industry and the crypto industry are very related and at the end i just like to show of my skills showing the last tattoo that ive made today and how i make it using an ipad and the app procreate.
The tattoo artist model of living:
Someone that choose this lifepath migth have a very strong artist background. Something to tell. Some artistic way of expresion at the hour of tattoing or at least must feel good when do this at everyday´s job. It´s very time consumming. But probablly the best thing is that you are very independent and you can learn from experience a lot about art and bussiness. The tattoo artist at the start encompasses a lot of tasks like: Design(art knlogledge) this is very usefoull for sidebussiness too like clothes design, posters/prints, and a lot more, Marketing, tattoo teqniques, medical knowledge especially about skin, cleaning, sterilization, psicology, gift of people.
Why i think Crypto is symilar to tattoo?
well first than nothing invest is a type of art for me. But more than nothing is becouse in both you search for independence, have no bosses, be the one who put the rules with counciousness.
The tattoo industry also is not well regulated and is a very emergent sector recently renewed as crypto is money renewed, hahaha, like an update of the money...
So the tattoo bussiness is not regulated well in every country, in some is the wild west literally in others the regulations are to low in others more and less they regulate some things...
So you can go to the illegal way (but legal in some countrys) of tattoo in your house, this will have pros and cons to consider, like work for yourself but a gret cont is that you can´t make so much marketing since its illegal