¡Hello to all of you! a pleasure to write again for you, greets you a daughter of the moon wishing you the most beautiful, good energies with super positive vibrations that we universe.☄✨💕

🖤Sketch pad.

🖤STEP 1🖤

🖤STEP 2🖤

I hope you will be pleased until a next opportunity as always a pleasure to write, my best wishes to each of you.
A daughter of the moon says goodbye, looking at all of you shining stars of light.
We are stars wrapped in skin, so the light you have always sought is within you.
- Anonymus.

What is important is the soul. What is under the clothes, what cannot be seen. That which has its place beyond the naked eye. True beauty is the interior, the only one that does not perish, the only one that cannot be taken away and that can only be seen when you look with the eyes of the soul. It is that which is not measured by what we can appreciate at first sight, for true beauty is an attitude. We live worried about appearances, not to be bizarre and not to disagree with the conventions that imprison us. That is what does not allow us to show the world our splendor.( link: https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/la-belleza-esta-interior/)