On the day of a dear beings of light, I bring you the step by step of a handmade birthday banner, always enjoying every part of the creation process beforehand I hope you like as much as your owner as you always talk to them cris a daughter of the moon🌙✨ the best energies and positive vibes for you, in this week of prosperity ❤️.

🖤Sketch pad.
🖤Cold paint color: king blue, fuscia.
🖤Colored pencils + black and white cold paints.
🖤Thick and fine-tipped brushes.
🖤Graphic pencil + eraser.
🖤Glass with water and handkerchief to clean brushes.

🖤STEP 1🖤
The story of this creative banner, is the following many years ago people around me know that I love drawing, painting and that I am good at it is really something that I am passionate, Well a few days ago a girl writes me that comes from a friend telling me that if you could do this work and then I accepted, I showed her some of my drawings and we started to work ask the colors, the design, his ideas I gave him some recommendations and ideas.. From the beginning he told me that his partner loved stitch and because I wanted to do something really nice :3

🖤STEP 2🖤
As I was doing my job, I kept telling the girl if she likes it and if she wants to add other things a message to identify her relationship. It tells me of the emojis they used, of their partner’s favorite colors that were purple and pink.

🖤STEP 3🖤
Finally use the white color to highlight even more the design of the banner, color and paint the emojis so that they look much like the real ones also add the message that the girl told me, which is perfect for everything 🥺❤️

🖤STEP 4🖤
On the other hand, in addition to the banner and his emotion of how nice he had stayed, he told me that he wanted to decorate a box where he would go the gift of the same theme of stitch and a letter in conmenoracion to his reunion month (the content of the letter is censored or distorted to protect your privacy).

I hope you will be pleased until a next opportunity as always a pleasure to write, my best wishes to each of you.
A daughter of the moon says goodbye, looking at all of you shining stars of light.
There are details that steal smiles and invade the heart.
- frasess.net/.

Muy bonito❤️❤️.
Hola! muchísimas gracias🤗 @lorenaolivera