
in Sketchbook3 years ago

Happy Sunday for those who read my publication, this week I was somewhat disconnected, but it doesn't mean that I haven't been painting a bit and as you can see, this time I wanted to go a bit on the side of gestures and language with my hands. I was doing some research and it is called kinesics studies the expressive, appealing or communicative meaning of body movements and learned gestures.



I leave you that information in case it arouses your curiosity and you want to investigate more about it. For my part, I want to tell you that the woman I painted was fun trying to paint her with her head turned.



Feliz domingo para aquellos que leen mi publicación, esta semana estuve algo desconectado, pero no quiere decir que no haya estado pintando un poco y como aprecian esta vez quise ir un poco del lado de los gestos y el lenguaje con las manos. Estuve investigando un poco y se le llama kinésica o quinésica estudia el significado expresivo, apelativo o comunicativo de los movimientos corporales y de los gestos aprendidos.



Les dejo ese dato por si despierta su curiosidad y quieren indagar más en ello. Por mi parte les quiero decir que la mujer que pinte estuvo divertido tratar de pintarla estando volteada su cabeza.



Beautiful I love the details.

It’s very beautiful.

She looks cool! I love the way you her lips red.

the posture looks great, I bet it was fun!! I really like how you included both her hands in the frame!!:)