It looks lovely and I always satisfy my anal detailing by doing 'studies' of everypiece where I get to just play and be loose and free flowing I've lately had a number of people wish to purchase the 'study' more so now I offer both, and am happy that I listened to my dichotomy mind saying. 'do both' LOL.
I hope you are well, tyring to fit hive into my busy schedule I see you are busy on here as well :)
how the finished piece turned out! I have a very hard time sketching and studying because I always feel the need to carry it into a fully realized piece.Thanks @donnadavisart! I'm actually cringing already looking at this now... but I'm very satisfied with
I was happy to see you posting again and meant to circle back and leave a comment or two but I'm just now getting caught up! I do hope you make time to cross post to Hive. I'm still optimistic in the future of this community and technology!