Hello artists, I wish you a great day. Today I bring a drawing that I just finished; It is a jellyfish which I made with my own style.
Hola artistas, les deseo un gran día. Hoy traigo un dibujo que acabo de terminar; es una medusa la cual realicé con mi propio estilo.

En la imagen número 1 está el pre-boceto el cual es tan solo unas cuantas líneas hechas si mucha intención ya que no tenía clara la idea de lo que iba a hacer. Como pueden ver, su expresión es muy diferente a la del resultado final.
En la imagen número 2, ya había establecido que iba a dibujar y comencé a desarrollar mejor los trazos y la estructura del rostro del personaje. Agregué un par de serpientes, las cuales fui haciendo en desorden, pensando en la mejor ubicación de cada una para que el dibujo se viera bien balanceado.
In image number 1 is the pre-sketch which is just a few lines made without much intention since I did not have a clear idea of what I was going to do. As you can see, his expression is very different from the final result.
In image number 2, I had already established that I was going to draw and began to better develop the lines and structure of the character's face. I added a couple of snakes, which I made in disorder, thinking about the best location for each one so that the drawing would look well balanced.
In image number 3, you can see that I had already arranged all the snakes in a balanced way with the proper angles. At this stage of the drawing I had a creative block since I couldn't think of anything else to add so that it wouldn't look so basic.
In image 4 after defeating creative block I decided to add the hands that would catch another bigger snake.
The next image shows the larger snake inside the character's hands and some Greek tribals that I decided to add to complement what would be the final art, and at the same time give it a background to make it look more complete. Drawing those tribals was pretty strenuous.
And for the final result I added the textures of each snake, and extra details on the character's face, to make it look more impressive.
La siguiente imagen muestra la serpiente mayor dentro de las manos del personaje y unos tribales griegos que decidí agregar para complementar lo que sería el arte final, y al mismo tiempo darle un fondo para que se viera más completo. Dibujar esos tribales fue bastante extenuante.
Y ya para el resultado final agregué las texturas de cada serpiente, y detalles extras en el rostro del personaje, para que se viera más impactante.