Con el tiempo espero comprar materiales de dibujo para traer dibujos con color aún que la técnica de grafito no es nada fácil pero si me gustaría traer dibujos con color y empezar a experimentar bien con la teoría del color en los dibujos. Espero que les guste y vean el proceso de creación de este dibujo 🫂.
Nos vemos en un próximo post.
Little by little and with time I have been able to dedicate some time to drawing again, it still costs me a little bit but at least now I keep developing the skill, sometimes I think that procastination is a big problem I have but I'm not sure about it. This drawing took me longer than I expected due to multiple things I had to do during the week. I wanted to draw Eevee because I was looking at the envelopes that came out recently with the new Eevee-evolutions cards that look amazing.
Eventually I hope to buy drawing materials to bring drawings with color, even though the graphite technique is not easy, but I would like to bring drawings with color and start experimenting with color theory in the drawings. I hope you like it and see the process of creating this drawing 🫂.
See you in a next post.
Traducido con DeepL