Que tal amigos,espero que se encuentren genial hoy,les quiero compartir el dibujo que acabe de realizar ,esta vez se trata de blue un ave animada de unas de mi películas favorita Rio
I hope you are feeling great today, I want to share with you the drawing I have just made, this time it is about blue an animated bird from one of my favorite movies Rio..
I began by first drawing the sketch of our character, and then I started drawing his beak, and with lateral tracings with the pen I drew his beak and his eye..
Luego pase dibujando poco a poco las plumas poco a poco
Then draw the feathers little by little, little by little
Then I continued to finish drawing the feathers of our little blue friend, and I continued touching up the beak a little bit.

Gracias por ver y apreciar mis dibujos.
Thank you for viewing and appreciating my drawings.
Translated with: https://www.deepl.com/
wow cool picture
Beautiful drawing my friend.