
Thanks Ema 🤩. The new style is really working for me hehe.

Yeah, it is. Your style is definitely distinctive and appealing. You're so good with bright/saturated colors. Keep going with it!

Yep, that's the plan hehe. People seems to like bright vibrant pictures these days. I hope I can reach samdoesart level in the future hahahaha...

You can make it to that level in your own style, definitely. Have a great evening! Hope the new year is kind to you.

Thanks Ema. For some reason I didn't get any notification for this last message from you. As expected from my phone 😂.

Ah, it's OK. Could be both our phones colluding against us. Ecency app has been pretty screwy on mine since a recent update 🤷‍♀️

This app shows different reward value as well compared to peakd. Do you have this issue as well?