A Graphite Portrait

in Sketchbooklast month


Going back to my traditional portraits from way back when, I share this with you. My love for wrinkles and expression started when I just picked up my graphite and started conjouring human faces. I noticed then that when I drew faces with the above features thoroughly they happen to look more alive and beautiful. So, for a time, that was my main focus.

As you well know, I outgrew that phase and moved on to other subjects, forms and mediums. Its been years now but every once in a while (like last week) I revisit this memory and make on art piece from it.


The process….






Thanks for the visit friends, it was fun hosting you.


Giving life to human face is something I have seen mostly in your work as i have follow most of your art's, not excluded this portrait, as it is beautiful.

Thanks friend.

You are welcome.

Such a beautiful drawing. I stayed quite some time staring at her expression. Thanks for sharing this.

I’m glad you like it.
Thanks for the positive feedback 🙏

Looks realistic!! The drawing process looks very interesting

Thanks a bunch.

You’re always welcome my friend

wow amazing art 😌

Thanks a bunch 🙏

Excelente trabajo artistico, felicitaciones y éxito.

I’m glad you you like it, thanks.