For the most part of this sketch I forgot to capture the process. It was very obvious but I didn’t at all notice because I was engaged in a conversation at the time. When I eventually noticed, it was already late. This once in a while mistake really propelled my consciousness ever since and it’s the reason the drawing processes I have been uploading for the past two months have been lengthy.
Fact is that I made this piece about two months ago.
The process….
Thanks for the visit friends.
Good morning, friend.
Something of that nature does happen to me weeks ago, it was not about a drawing, it was about a writing piece.
What i realized was that, as I was talking, I was missing the important word's I should have included in the piece, but what saved me was that, I have to do a thorough editing of the writing.
Talking when we are doing an activity will hinder us from giving the best we could do. Yet the drawing you show us is superb, I can still see few steps, cheers.
Thanks for the insight and warm feedback.
You are welcome.