Hey Hive Blog people how are you I hope you are having a great night I'm back again after a long time that probably seems like a mini-vacation to you but the truth is that I've been having a hard time with homework, exhibitions, exams, long written papers, etc... With a little free time that I have had, this time I have brought for you a drawing of...
MONSTER GAROU!!! ✨✨ From the manga for you 😎👉
Me demoré en total unas 5 horas para hacerlo
Es uno de los pocos dibujos que no los saco de mi imaginación
Ayer 😜😜😜
Pero @adrianmusic02 me dió la idea
It took me a total of 5 hours to do it. It is one of the few drawings that I do not take out of my imagination But @ adrianmusic02 gave me the idea yesterday 😜😜😜
De aquí me fijé para hacerlo
Y aquí está la dirección, lo saqué de Google: https://images.app.goo.gl/km4YfT2PBQvnRp8L8
From here I set to do it And here is the address, I got it from Google: https://images.app.goo.gl/km4YfT2PBQvnRp8L8
- Lápiz
- Borrador y un pedacito para trazos finos
- Sacapuntas
- Y un algodón encajado en un lapicero para darle textura al grafito
- Pencil
- Eraser and a bit for fine lines
- Sharpener
- And a cotton embedded in a pencil to give texture to the graphite
para empezar el boceto y le puse de una vez la cara de negro dónde va la sombra
to start the sketch and once I put the black face where the shadow goes
Llené de negro con el lápiz y dejé en blanco las vendas y dibujé las que están sueltas en el aire
I filled in black with the pencil and left the bandages blank and drew the ones that are loose in the air
Aquí empecé a darle forma a las vendas con el borrador
Here I began to shape the bandages with the eraser
Cómo pueden ver aquí, con el borrador le hice las grietas con el borrador y le terminé de dar textura y sombra a las vendas
(Cabe destacar que en verdad me costó hacer el dibujo hasta está parte, modificar errores en poco tiempo, ay! 😓)
How can you see here, with the eraser I made the cracks with the eraser and I finished giving texture and shade to the bandages (It should be noted that it was really hard for me to make the drawing until this part, modify errors in a short time, oh! 😓)
En esta parte empecé con las luces y a enderezar las grietas del cuerpo de Garou
In this part I started with the lights and to straighten the cracks on Garou's body
Y por aquí puse opaca las luces con el algodón para que no se confundieran con las grietas
And here I made the lights opaque with the cotton so they wouldn't get confused with the cracks
Como pudieron observar, el proceso
lo resumí lo más posible
Maté las ganas de dibujar a este personaje, aunque no le gana al de Murata 😅😅😅
... No pero ya, cómo lo hace !!!!
Bueno mi gente
Este post se los doy con mucho gusto y cariño para que sepan que no me he ido, simplemente he estado ocupado con las tareas
No sé cómo @adrianmusic02 consigue subir tanto con esas benditas tareas 🤔
As you can see, the process I summarized it as much as possible I killed the desire to draw this character, although it doesn't beat Murata's 😅😅😅 ... No but already, how does he do it !!!! well my people I give you this post with great pleasure and affection so that you know that I have not left, I have simply been busy with the tasks I don't know how @adrianmusic02 manages to upload so much with those blessed tasks 🤔