Hello people from Hive Blog, how are you going this Christmas? they have other problems worse than mine but whatever they are going through on this day do not lose hope enjoy the moment. You tend to cover your eyes and forget about the world when things are going badly, but in happy moments if we want to enjoy them to the fullest and our lives are cut short, we eliminate bad moments, my advice is to enjoy happy and bad moments it is not easy. , the important thing is to have hope, it is not the best advice, it may even sound gliché. I hope that at this time and for this coming years (which by the way is very close) you will have many successes and blessings for you personally and for the entire Hive Blog community and Ecency in my personal opinion these communities are excellent.One of my dreams was to upload videos to YouTube, I uploaded them but it was not as I expected, now when @ adrianmusic02 told me about the page I did not pay much attention to it (I was going about my business) and a long time later he showed me the page (I had already forgotten) it was an adventure, effort, time and dedication to know how the page works, how to register, what to upload, many things I am not good at learning many things ... I have to be too interested, yes That is not the case so I half remember there, time and dedication; I despair waiting I am not patient but I have my defects and I almost went crazy trying to change even the smallest defect of mine until I got fed up and I preferred to be grateful and let things take the course that they go to happiness not only has to be in This Christmas Eve is always with us, the things that we lack, be it spiritual or much less material, do not have to sadden us, actually I tried to see life as an adventure, you do not know what to expect, whether you are religious or not, keep in mind that life is short, enjoying until the last moment is not only recommended but incredible. Well I hope my words have served for good.
Ahora cambiando de tema este dibujo lo tenían desde hace tiempo guardado(el boceto)lo pinté en una hora aproximadamente y bueno lastimosamente no hay fotos de el proceso que me llevó porque no tengo el teléfono de mi tío que es con el que yo le he tomado fotos a los dibujos que les he presentado en los últimos post, pedí un teléfono prestado y para no abusar solo tomé el dibujo ya pintado espero que me disculpen de verdad,yo no contaba con que no hiba a tener la cámara a la mano jaja pero bueno en remplazo a esas fotos les muestro los regalos d.que el niño Jesús le trajo a mi hermano pequeño [para los que no sepan aquí en vez de esperar a Santa Claus esperamos al niño Jesús en cuenta regresiva de 10.segundos que termina con el sonar del reloj que marca las 12:00 am].
Now changing the subject, they had saved this drawing for a long time (the sketch) I painted it in about an hour and well, unfortunately, there are no photos of the process that took me because I do not have my uncle's phone number, which is the one with which I have I took photos of the drawings that I have presented in the last post, I asked for a borrowed phone and in order not to abuse I just took the drawing already painted I hope you really apologize, I did not expect that I would not have the camera at hand haha but good in replacement of those photos I show you the gifts that the baby Jesus brought to my little brother [for those who do not know here instead of waiting for Santa Claus we wait for the baby Jesus in a countdown of 10 seconds that ends with the sound of the clock that says 12:00 am].
Bueno y aquí les muestro al creador del dibujo gente yo creo que ya lo conocen jaja.
Well and here I show you the creator of the drawing, people, I think you already know him haha.
Bueno ese dragón dure un tiempo sin dibujarlo y cuando lo intente dibujar en otra hoja no pude,tuve que remarcar con grafito en todo el dibujo fue un infierno la verdad pero lo terminé y hoy lo pinté espero que les haya gustado el dibujo,las palabras motivadoras(no es mucho pero ojalá hayan servido de algo),y el regalito que recibió mi hermanito muchísima gracias por tomarse la molestia de ver este post en verdad gracias me esfuerzo en hacerlos cada día mejor y los haría más calidad pero he estado ocupado por estas vísperas de Navidad no sé si ustedes también están igual que yo terminan una cosa para empezar otra,pero bueno que pasen una feliz Navidad que Dios los bendiga.
Well that dragon lasted a while without drawing it and when I tried to draw it in another hope I could not have to highlight with graphite in the whole drawing it was a hell the truth but I finished it and today I painted it I hope you liked the drawing, the motivating words (It is not much but I hope they have been of some use), and the gift that my little brother received, thank you very much for taking the trouble to see this post, thank you, I strive to make them better every day and I would make them more quality but I have been busy with these Christmas Eve I don't know if you are also the same as me. You finish one thing to start another, but have a merry Christmas. May God bless you.
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We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Dear @garuhgamer26,