How to build a brand identity / My client: Kefir of water / Name Equilibrium Kefir

A brand is a unique identification.

It is a set of images, fonts, colors and shapes that meet the expectations and needs consumers and our client. Since he will have the last word. The client and the designer agree on a concept to follow, a guide or a construction.

Brand identity attempts to summarize the ideas and associations of the consumer and a product. It is what consumers perceive as such.

What should my identity have?

Trust. How much my consumer believes in it.
Emotion. It must convey a concept. It must create motivation for us.
People in relation to brands base their decisions more from the symbolic.
Wish. Communicating that we lead a particular lifestyle are a set of ideals that momentarily makes us feel better.

The brand identity determines our behaviors and modifies our perceptions. They must connect with consumers a sensations, feelings and emotions.

Graphic design?
Design is a tool to create branding codes (brand building) that allow the consumer to recognize the brand in the market of an increasingly saturated scenario.

I am going to show you with examples, how I built Kefir equilibrium
My first step: Visualize balance and write the word.
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My Second step: Colors and typography, choice two options.
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My Third step: Make some draw, in this case I choice a typography identity, because my analyzed public prefers the light. Try to show balance but with typography
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My fourth step: I Choice one, and make a fine work, Try to make only one thing out of this word.
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Posteos de info607.jpgDid you like this transformation / Creation? Follow my client at Instagram, @kefirequilibrium

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