Hello! Hope you're having a fantastic day filled with joy, First post in this community i hope it will be approved by you people through your appreciation.
Having art of drawing is blessing, some jf people have interest in the drawing I'm one of them i have interest on drawings.this is so simple drawing i hope you people will appreciate..
Here in this drawing there are two cute looking teddies and both of them friends with each other.
One teddy is showing to have a sad look on his face, he has sadness in his eyes, and he is frowning.
The other teddy is cheerful, has close big eyes, and has a smiling mouth , and trying to make teddy happy.
I feel good while making drawings, it indeed gives a break to the life pressure observed in day to day livings.
Drawing skill is a blessings for selected people. It enables one to share ideas and feelings through graphics; tangible events and passions that may be hard to put into words. as in this drawing, i believe art is third eye it is great blessing.
And this talent is one of the most wonderful gift, it can be a source of happiness for the artist and the audience of his artistry.
This is my drawing's final look , i coloured it wth pink colour, The drawing shows two teddies, in pink in colour with hug tbey are friends and they are giving message that ‘true Friends always try to make happy sad friend’ absolutely a real friend is meritorious and really hard to find since they are there for you in all the circumstances that you might encounter and they are loyal and discrete.
well this is my small message in my artwork i mean in the drawing I really hope you people will like it. Thank you! 😊