Manos libres / Hands-free

Hola amigos / Hello friends
Here I show you the drawing process:
Hola a todos, hoy les comparto mi último dibujo, con la técnica de la pluma y tinta. Espero les guste el resultado.
Hello everyone, today I share with you my last drawing, with the pen and ink technique. I hope you like the result.
Initial sketch with red color
Edge delineation
Start of the inking process
With practice I have learned that it is best to start the inking from the top down to avoid smearing the drawing when passing the hand over an area with fresh ink.
Accentuating inking to create shaded areas
Final result
Cartón kraft
Lápiz de color rojo
plumilla con punta 003
Foto de referencia
Materials used:
Kraft cardboard
Red pencil
nib with 003 tip
Reference photo
Gracias por ver mi publicación
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