An Artwork for a Friend in Hive @tpkidkai

in Sketchbooklast year (edited)

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Hi Hive this will be a short post of my artwork for a friend @tpkidkai, i appreciate the kindness man! for helping me to redeem myself here on hiveblog so with that here is an artwork for you and your wife. Well basically i just tried to sketch an anime version of your photo together. I hope you like this artwork that i made. I dont want to write a very long emotional message because it might sound too cringey but really thanks man it might look like a small favor on the outside but my past issues with hive really was bothering mental health for a long time and thanks for helping me again clean my name here on hive. Thanks for motivating me to participate in art contest specially in holozing and in hive as a whole. Also shout out to Adam @adamada for giving me another shot or chance to change what ive done wrong in the past. Thanks to hiveph fam as well!


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Hola amigo saludos, me gustaría saber si se puede, acerca de tus dificultades al principio, ya que estoy comenzando y no quiero caer en un precipicio por desconocimiento @encuentro