Hello Hello, I'm still alive. Sorry for not posting this weekend, my parents also got mad about it so I'm also apologizing here huhu 💔
Maybe I dreamt about it, or hallucinated, even. But I really swear I remember I made a post yesterday... I don't get it. But anyways. Today I'm sharing these sketches. Hope you like them~
First of all, Lumine! Best girl, best twin, best Abyss princess. I chose Aether the first time I played, I created a new account just to play Lumine. Love you, girl!

I'm happy with this one. The eyes are pretty, the nose and hair. The mouth, not so much- but the rest is quite good.

At first, I just made a simple sketch. But, I realized she looks like one girl from jojos (I only know it because of a friend, so I'm sorry if I'm adressing the character incorrectly).

Not my best, But I wanted to share it anyways. I'm trying to get better with side profiles, I really need to get better-.

Again, I apologize for not posting this weekend. I hope you have a good start of the week, take care and see you on my next post!