mikkolyytinen cross-posted this post in Sketchbook 5 months ago

Affirmation - digital drawing to laser engraving

in #nft5 months ago
Time for some new art


This is called


It is a little special one. In past couple of months i've been taking part in group doing shamanic drumming sessions. The aim is with the help of the drumming to go into trance and do spiritual journeys and get answers and insight into questions you may have. Sometimes they can be easy to understand and sometimes you have to work on them. Drawing or painting what you see is one of the ways to process it as is writing down.

This is an interpretation of a vision that came to me one time. How it actually presented itself is somewhat different. I was inspired to to draw it out and make art out of it, in alignment with the purpose. It seemed to be an entity of some sort, made of the symbols of the eye and the sun. Pretty primal and intense.

I have been doing some laser engraving based on my digital art with plans to use it alongside printmaking. Recently I had ordered some birchwood discs to make something on, not quite sure what yet.. and then this happened. Fitting perfectly to the medium I thought.


These are scaled down versions, about 13-15 cm in size.
I will be looking to make some larger ones later when i get some bigger discs and prints will also follow. What would be the best place to sell items for crypto?

Meanwhile, ofcourse there is an NFT with 16 editions available here;


Thanks for checking my art