Portrait 8, Pencil drawing

in Sketchbook2 years ago
Authored by @Mizydartist

Good evening ladies and Gents. I present to you another wonderful art piece I did not long ago. Okay in this drawing, I started making the gridlines with a metal rule and a HB graphite pencil. Then after that, I started my sketch which took me a few hours to complete, After that I started shading with powdered charcoal and soft brushes( makeup brushes) which kinda creates realism and makes work easier for me.
A couple of days later, I applied the finishing touches on the cloth and the face, then packaged it, and got it ready for delivery.
Here are my step by step processes;


Drawing the clothes seems to be simple but they are the hardest part for me because it takes time to get them done.


And finally the finished product packaged for delivery
Thank you guys and enjoy the rest of the weekend


Thats some serious skill you got there my friend. I wish i had just a tiny fracture of it. Keep it up 👍

Thanks boss. I appreciate. You can actually get a copy of it you know

Thanks for your offer, but i ll just stick around to admire your (new) work :D

Okay boss and I will definitely try and impress you guys

Satisfying portrait ❤️

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