Hello everyone...
How often do you eat apples? Remember they say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", I don't know how true that is. I don't eat apples everyday, they are so expensive here but there are times when I eat one everyday in a week, other times, I don't even eat them for like 2 months.
I did this painting of an apple in Photoshop, I needed a reference so I got a random image I saw on Google, I uploaded it so it will be easier to pick the colours using the eyedropper tool.
Few minutes into making this, I almost gave up because it didn't look like the apple in the reference picture, I took a break, came back and continued. I just knew I had to be more patient with the whole process. In the end I was really happy and satisfied with outcome so I decided to add a shadow effect beneath it.
Here are some processes I captured
Thanks for visiting my blog, have a wonderful day
Cheers 💞💞
Don't really eat apple that much or everyday. Perhaps, once a month or two or trice. Good work! 👌🏾🍎
Thanks a lot
I wonder that apples may be expensive. It's our cheapest fruit and I prefer green ones, they are not so sweet :)
Good to know it's cheap in you location, I also prefer the green ones. Thanks